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lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

SOS to Humanity

by GP Vaca:

I am writing to ask for your help and support in presenting some of the most innovative ideas to save the world of World War III. It may sound absurd to make such a statement. Because if we are to believe what the media says, then no major problems exist. If we are to believe alternative media, then everything is an impossible task and everything is lost. I believe that we must present solutions and we must confront the facts and the truth. Those Facts are:
1.       Bank Debt in Derivatives is $555 trillion dollars. Unpayable debt by the five largest bank in the world that is about to explode sending the world into a massive collapse. This may trigger a financial meltdown and it will be as bad or worse if the dollar collapses at the same time.
2.       Debt of the United States is at least 276 trillion dollars in debt if you include Government, States, Counties, cities, Mortgaged, commercial, industrial, credit card debt and citizen’s debt. Default in the USA will destroy the dollar and all world financial markets. All currencies will fall.
3.       Jade Helms is supposed to start on July 15 to September 15. It is to be a military exercise to be conducted by some “quantum computer” that will make the decisions, and may introduce some robots that will impose over humans and dominate what they call the “human domain”. We are told that such computer is capable of analyzing data and presenting solutions in a matter of minutes what could take 1000 thousand generations of humans to do so. If that is the case, then why don’t we introduce the economic data and let it come with a solution to resolve that issue.
4.       A meteor of considerable size with the potential of destroying 80% of human life may be heading towards earth. The movies Doom and Armageddon may have been a way of preventing of such upcoming event. Therefore, humanity needs to be informed, and we must be allowed to work building shelters that our government was incapable of building. The government does not need to imprison people, but rather give us the freedom to at least try by our own means and devices to save our families, it is the only decent thing to do.
5.       Nibiru or Planet X may be heading to earth. I am releasing the coordinates and all scientist, astronomers in every country must try to seek the truth. The dangers and the destruction that may be caused is not anyone’s fault. But it is a moment when all humanity must come together. We must work together to resolve this issues and we must put our grievances and hatred against each other. It is not a time for war among humanity, it is a time for war against those dangers that we must confront. It is time for true collaboration, true peaceful effort and humanity must come together to save humanity and defeat evil by practicing love and a new beginning for humanity.
6.       I have written two books that may change democracy and the economies of our nations. I am asking you to help me purchasing and releasing these book in your nation and the funds from the sales of said books will be used to build shelter and conduct research to save humanity. Those books contain two main ideas. I have called the Scientific Community Wealth system. I would like to make an exposition and to spread the idea to all nations. It may seem farfetched to say that poverty indeed can be eradicated from our nations, and perhaps may sound as fantasy to say that wealth can be achieved for all our people. Yet I am sure my plan can do just that. So it is worth to speak and talk about it.

I believe is a tragedy that institutions such as it is the government, that were created to protect the nations are not doing their job. Otherwise, how shall we explain the inaction or the absurd decisions of our governments. Instead of providing solutions they have opted to do no different than a savage caveman would have done, just kill the people while they get in their cozy “caves” secured bunkers, and save themselves while 80% of humanity perishes.

 We are confronted with an economic collapse of such massive proportions that poverty will reign in all the countries in a few months. The debt of the Federal Reserve is beyond 250 TRILLION dollars. It is an un payable debt. Yet they continue to sell bonds and tell the world that “the dollar is strong” and they keep printing as if there is no tomorrow, and people buy the garbage news that tell us that the dollar is stronger than ever. The dollar is breaking or is all broken already, and anyone with half the knowledge of facts and half a brain of intelligence must know it. The largest banks of the world who own the Federal Reserve have a debt of $555 trillion dollars in derivatives. There is no such a thing as saving the economy. The dollar is about to collapse and there is no bail out or magic formula to do so. There is no winner and there are no losers. We will all be affected. We all lose period.

We can wait for the volcano of debt to explode or we must try to find a solution. We can choose to wait for Russia to attack with nuclear bombs raining on Washington DC. And we may be stupid enough to unleash our missiles and declare ourselves the winners for pushing a button to destroy the so called enemy. Nuclear fall out will destroy us and kill all humanity later, so no one wins anything. We can wait for China to implode with massive unemployment the day the dollar fails and there is no one to buy the production of massive factories. There will be no winners.

We can wait for the meteor to come down in Puerto Rico by September 23 of 2015 or Nibiru to give us a shower of fireworks between March and April 2016. If you are one of the chosen people, and have the invitation to one of the bunkers, please never mind, go ahead with your plans and hopefully you can live for the rest of your life knowing 80% of the world population died and you did nothing about it. If you are a soldier you will be promised to have a place to save yourself. But when has the government kept their word to their veterans? When you know you will be replaced with a robot. You are just one more mouth to feed and you will be considered dangerous because you know how to kill, so you will become just as spendable as those you helped to cleaned up. It has already been told and announced, did you not listened? But you may be obedient and try to save your skin. Regardless, we will face the biggest changes in human history, and we can be witnesses and know that we have not done a damn thing, or we can at least try to do something worth living, and perhaps to do something that will be meaningful for the world.

So I beg you to help me put forward my solution. After all people may lose an hour listening to what I propose. In the worst case scenario, that will be much less time that could be wasted on a bad movie. So I beg you to find a way that I could expose my ideas and better yet if said books could be promoted to people in different organizations, and different places so we can make these changes to change our world dramatically.  Humanity can only be better.  All the money can be put to good used trying to build as fast as we can the best possible places to save as many humans as we can. Besides we may not need to build so many, as history tell us that the entire continent of South America had massive tunnels connecting all the cities. How sad we have forgotten the lessons from our ancestors and forgotten the places where we came from. But they are there, and some satellite pictures that can be analyzed to detect deep into the ground and may tell us just where they are. What can we lose, and it certainly will be much cheaper than unleashing the armies to kill its own people? Let us be free to at least do what humans have always done. Survive! against all odds. We deserve that much, for we must find a way to keep our children and our people alive. We must endure, we must conquer whatever comes our way. We shall not perish or yield before a bullet or gun commanded by our own governments. Humanity will not survive such act of genocidal proportions. Surely if there is a God, all those that participate in such a plan will die crashed in their own bunkers, for every last breath of humanity will course your existence, and death shall get you if you participate in the destruction of humanity. Let it be my word the first to say. I curse each and every Khazarian Zionist and any humans who assist them in carrying out this evil plan, to all and that have participated in the enslavement of humanity. All those families that imposed their will and have accumulated the wealth in their hands, let them be cursed for the rest of their existence on planet earth. Let them be void of their magic ways and may I curse any covenant they may have with whatever God they claim to be theirs. For God the almighty creator could not have chosen such evil people to lead humanity. God is the light of pure essence of life within all of us. We are all connected and every essence of every soul is God. So we shall not perish, we shall go on.

My idea can only make democracy stronger and empower people to pursuit their dreams and goals, while making entrepreneurship and free enterprise the catalyst of a new economy. While in the process making democracy stronger than ever.

The world does not need to go broke, and World War III is not the solution. I know that what I am proposing is not that different of what John F Kennedy had in mind and was killed for doing it so. The Federal Reserve may indeed erase anyone who proposes any changes to the Fed System. Unfortunately, the world is in crisis and economies and people are being erased by the FED. The FED regardless of whatever they do, eventually will collapse and it will destroy the economy of the world along with it.  Unfortunately, the world does not have the guts to do something about it. It should be in the terms of humanity and not under the terms of that evil cartel of Kazarian Zionists. So we have no choice but we must do something.

Since the year 2008 when the world economy collapsed. The changes they promised have only brought more debts, deficits and inflation. We are before the destruction of the world economy and they have chosen to play games as if we were children. Those that by greed and ambition have no boundaries. The gutless that manipulate the world from the shadows and those that have accumulated so much wealth that they buy countries and nations and controlled them all with the push of a button. They can control the weather as easy as they control socialism or the Trojan horses in several countries. But we are before the total destruction of earth. So as human beings we must unite and must confront the problem. Is nine months of freedom in the world too much to ask? Those that know what I am saying will understand. You do not need to control the world, or try to make Lucifer or God the winners, they do not need us or need you to accomplish whatever their final goal may be. In the end, peace be with you in heaven or hell, I choose to try to do something and may not achieve much. I may soon be killed for daring to dream such a world. But there is no more powerful spell on the earth that offering one’s life for the sake of all humanity, so let the chips fall where they may, and let us accept our faith, regardless it will not be much longer before everyone follows. At least me must try and I truly hope people will help me and we can change and give ourselves a chance.
John F Kennedy precisely reminded us that the very word “secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings”. Tragically we have ignored for too long his sacrifice and all the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment that he tried to prevent has conquered the United States to the point of keeping us ignorant of the facts that we are about to confront.

We are indeed before the worst enemy we had ever had. The combination of military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations that have prepare for this moment without sharing with humanity what we are about to suffer. Yet they tell us so cowardly that is to protect us all. When it would be so much easier to just let us know the facts and give us a chance to do something about it. We may just try to do something wonderful. Let us do so, is the only descent thing to do.

I am sure that Russia and China want what is best for their people also. War cannot be necessary and killing each other is the worst choice right now, when every hand is needed to solve the issues ahead of us, then is madness if our government have decided that the only solution they have come up with is “execution” of the human domain”. What a pathetic mentality.

So I am calling in all nations and let us make an effort to work together, what can we lose? The outcome has to be better than just try to kill one another for the sake of ..what? That someone will crown himself a king or emperor of the world. Who could be evil enough to try to be king before billions of death people.

We are before a peril which knows no precedent in history. We have the obligation to inform and alert the American people and the people from the rest of the World. We must make certain that every single person on earth possesses all the facts that they need, and understand them as well–the perils, the prospects, the purposes of our plan and the choices that we must face.

We must strive for understanding; and from that understanding we shall have support and opposition. And both are necessary. I am not asking you for any large sacrifice, just buy a book or two or donate to this cause and let us try the hardest to save the world from war. I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people and the rest of the world what we are about to confront and maybe a way that we can save the economies and have a better future for humanity. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of all humanity whenever they are fully informed.

Without knowledge and without proper information no country can succeed–and no republic can survive. The media, the reporters, the governments and every human being must help inform the rest. If we do not confront the dangers and the facts, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, help and support, to work together and collaborate, to educate and strive to come with solutions. If we do not do this, then we will erase all our scientific knowledge and our centuries of human development will be reduced to stupidity. Because when confronted with a crisis then our leaders choose just to kill and silence the people. If that is what they have done, they do not deserve to remain in power one second longer.

This means the ultimate limit has warned mankind of the terrible consequences of failure. If we live in the world, then we must meet our obligation and find a way to reach our best hour. To make our deeds a legend that humanity stood together and together we conquered the problems we confront. Let us avoid war, let us put our best scientist and minds to work together to save our planet. God is within you, God is here, he never left, God is the planet let us be saved.

So am asking as many people as possible to buy my two books to do the following:
1)      To create three teams of worldwide scientist, astronomers, mathematicians and the best possible minds to work with universities all over the world to find and calculate the truth about the meteor and planet X. Governments can assist if possible so we can make the best decisions if we know where they could strike and what can we do to prevent it. Anyone who want to help can organize themselves and as soon as I can I will be placing information.
2)      To pay for a satellite study of South America to map out with geological science to find all the tunnels that exist in South America to see if we can have enough space to save as many humans as possible shall Nibiru come our way. It worked 13,000 years ago, it should work now. La Cueva de los tayos and other entrances were known a long time ago, we must try to find all the entrances and places. There may be tunnels all over the world and must be found.
3)      Build aquaponics systems that could possibly help provide food in case of massive disaster. Buy and store food for as many people as possible.
4)      Purchase ways for filtration ad storage of water to help and support humanity.
5)      Take all donations of clothes, food, and anything else to be shipped to the places that can safeguard humanity.
6)      Convince governments to work together and make a commitment to peace among all nations until al dangers subsides.
7)      Convince governments to work together to find solutions and helping humanity support each other to save as many humans as we can. After all, if could lose everything and everything may be destroyed, then what is the point of saving money in the bank. Making treaties and agreements that will mean nothing at all.
8)      Build as many homes as possible in the mountains so there will be shelter for people if flood, earthquakes, and tsunamis are to strike the earth.
9)      I plan to use every single cent to purchase the land and build a facility to save as many people as possible.
10)   Convince governments to apply the following rules from July first 2015 to April 25 2016 when the dangers may have passed:
a)       No visas required for travel anywhere in the world if people volunteer their knowledge to build assist and help build shelter or bunkers.
b)      Charge only 10% to 15% of Tariffs to import and export.
c)       No taxes to be paid for the next nine months so citizens can utilize as much money as they can to protect their families. (it will be cheaper than paying armies to kills their citizens) Otherwise government will collapse anyway, and there will be no time to be chasing people for unpaid taxes anyway if once jade Helms is unleashed, the world will never be the same again.
d)      No interest of debt among countries must be paid for the next nine months until a new financial system is put in place.
e)      All countries should have their currencies frozen, those countries such as Ecuador should be afforded to create their own sovereign money to deal with the crisis. No country shall be foreclosed such as being done with Greece.
f)        Ask Russian, China, Germany and The United States to work together to assist, help and support all efforts.
g)       Dictators that may try to take advantage of the situation and try to gain more power should be deposed such as Rafael Correa that has shown aggressive behavior to divide his people and to go against the will of the people.

My proposals are the following:
1.       I am asking Sony corporation of Japan to provide thirty PlayStation three or 4, to work in three teams of ten computers each. That should give the capabilities of a supercomputer and the fist team shall put all the information I proposed as my economic solution for Ecuador, all the economic data and information the CIA may have to see what the results may be if we were to implement such ideas and what the outcome could be in ten years. To work as fast as possible before Jade Helms start and to prove to the world that there are solutions.
2.       A second team will have a much more difficult task, to gather all the information of the economy of the USA and apply the same rules and see what the results are. If the outcome is positive before Jade Helm starts.
3.       The third team should be working to track Nibiru and the meteor that could strike the earth.
4.       I am asking all scientist to volunteer to this endeavor. I am asking everyone to work in Ecuador in all Ecuadorian Universities.
5.       I am asking all companies to donate all kinds of equipment so we could build and fast as we can.
6.       I do not have much and yet I am donating a house in Richmond to the community so I can show that what little I have I am given it to humanity, and hopefully they help me a little so I can build a place to save humanity.

It is important to be well informed, but I am sick and tired of so many so called news and we do nothing about it. We must take action, we must do something and this is a meaningful way. Science, governments, finance must work together to stop Jade Helms, and humanity may just find the way to save our planet and ourselves and create a better world.
The links to purchase my books in amazon are the following.

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