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jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2024

Planet Earth is a MERKABAH


By Germanico Vaca

When I had the vision that our planet is a “Merkabah” I started researching to make sense of what I had envisioned. The same things that I had read in the Emerald tablets and some scientific research on quantum physics kept popping into my head. I think I have put the pieces together and everything makes sense. Let us understand how our planet Earth cannot be, anything but a Merkabah-shaped manifestation as an exponential multiplication of atoms from the Earth. In other words, if a flower, a fruit, or any fusion of elements follows the essence of a Fibonacci sequence and takes the form of a flower of life, then Earth cannot be just a flat Earth, and cannot be a spherical world. It can only be a Merkabah.


In Ezekiel 1:4-26, Merkaba is referred to as the “Throne-Chariot of God” or the “Moving Throne of God”. Biblical scholars explain that “it’s the shape of an analogical reference to the many ways God reveals himself in the world.”

So, in esoteric terms, a Merkaba symbolizes sacred geometry for Spiritual Awakening. That is precisely what planet Earth is for the soul, a path to the next dimension. In the religious context, we are to understand that a Merkabah is the vehicle of light for the soul, allowing the spiritual being of light that we are, to transcend the boundaries of existence.

So, allow me to return to this point later to explore Merkaba's spiritual side and meaning. But let us first see the science. Since a Merkabah is a three-dimensional, star-shaped figure. It is represented in 2D drawings as four interlocking tetrahedra, or three-sided pyramids, one pointing upward and an opposite pyramid pointing downward. However, it must be understood that sacred geometry represents balance and the interconnectedness of opposing forces on an infinitesimal level: the masculine and feminine, heaven and earth, and the physical and spiritual realms. So, just like an atom is represented by several circles around a sphere, it is only a representation of an infinitesimal energy of electrons and protons around a nucleus.

Let us start with the pyramid.

In the translation of clay tablets of Accadian, Assyrian, and Sumerian tablets compiled in “The Lost Book of Enki” by Zacharia Sitchin, we find a reference to something that no one seems to give much importance, although is pivotal to our understanding of the world. The wise sage ENKI who decides to find the core to the Earth “In the Abzu Enki plans was also conceiving, where to build his house, where for heroes’ dwellings to prepare, and where the bowels of the Earth to enter. In his sky ship the extent of the Abzu he measured, its districts he did carefully survey. A distant land the Abzu was, beyond the waters from the Edin it was away; A rich land it was, bursting with riches, perfect in fullness. Mighty rivers rushed across the region, great waters there rapidly flowed; An abode by the flowing waters Enki for himself established, To the midst of the Abzu, to a place of pure waters Enki betook himself.”

In that land, the Place of Deepness Enki determined, for the heroes into Earth's bowels to descend. The Earth Sputter Enki there established, therewith in the Earth a gash to make, by way of tunnels Earth's innards to reach, the golden veins to uncover. Nearby That-Which-Crunches and That-Which-Crushes he emplaced, the gold-bearing ores to crunch and crush, by sky ships to be carried, To the Landing Place in the cedar mountains to be brought, therefrom by rocket ships to the way station on Lahmu (Mars)  to be transported.

Enki’s son Ningishzidda designed and built the pyramids. The incredible genius of Enki, the wise sage Avatar from Heaven, and the always present assistance of his genius son Thot/ Ningishziddah who helped him create humanity.  It is very important to know what principles he could have used to design and build the pyramids, so we need to analyze the numbers contained in the pyramids. I have already told you in the first part how I arrived at the sizes, but those numbers were part of a vision. There was no analysis, no research, no scientific way to arrive at those numbers. Just the computation of the sizes inside the pyramid multiplied by the value of PI.

However, upon analysis of the design I have to say that Ningishziddah and Enki left us proof of their infinite love in the most marvelous creation of the pyramids. The design contains all the secrets of humanity, every number is left there for humans to achieve knowledge.  Indeed, the measurements of the base, the height, the frequencies of the resonance chamber, the distance to the chamber underneath the pyramid, the number of the pairs of crystals that powered the pyramid, and all that applied to what we know of chromosomes, isotopes, and values of the elements of the periodic table gives us an understanding of the marvelous secrets that were contained in the pyramid and I finally understood what Thot said: “Built I the Great Pyramid, patterned after the pyramid of earth force, burning eternally so that it, too, might remain through the ages. In it, I built my knowledge of "Magic-Science" so that it might be here when again I return from Amenti. Aye, while I sleep in the Halls of Amenti, my Soul roaming free will incarnate, dwell among men in this form or another. (Hermes, thrice-born.)”

Indeed, magic science is sacred geometry, and all are based on the atom's form and shape, no matter how many times a fusion with other elements forms whatsoever any chemical reactions may occur, the isotope numbers remain almost identical. The measured frequency of planet Earth is the frequency 7.83 Hz which has been called the Earth’s “heartbeat.” Progressively weaker harmonics have been measured at around 14.3, 20.8, 27.3, and 33.8 Hz. In the different chambers of the Pyramid. Those are the same frequencies that have been measured at the different chambers of the Pyramid in perfect silence. But the biggest key of all may be the correlation of the isotope number 12.744/12.754 multiplied by π gives us the correct size of planet Earth.


Isotope, by definition, is one of two or more species of atoms of a chemical element with the same atomic number and position in the periodic table and nearly identical chemical behavior but with different atomic masses and physical properties. Every chemical element has one or more isotopes.

An atom is first identified and labeled according to the number of protons in its nucleus. This atomic number is ordinarily given the symbol Z. The great importance of the atomic number derives from the observation that all atoms with the same atomic number have nearly if not precisely, identical chemical properties. A large collection of atoms with the same atomic number constitutes a sample of an element. For instance, a bar of pure uranium would consist entirely of atoms with atomic number 92. Now here is the magic. The pyramids of Egypt contain all those measurements that make it a “building” containing all the secrets. From the number of humans, the size of Earth, and the chemical isotopes of elements.

The Great Pyramid of Egypt had 27 pairs of crystals to power up the beacon that guided the Elohim vessels. That means there were a total of 54 crystals, but when each had to act with the pulsating red crystal its power was multiplied by 2. Nevertheless, due to the composition of Earth's materials in the pyramid, the isotopes measured inside the pyramid of the elements are 92, and using the formula we arrived at a sum of 12,744 to 12,754.

Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 chromosomes in total). Each chromosome is formed by 2 strands of DNA (father and mother contribute an equal number of 23) tied by hydrogen bonds to each other making the classic DNA double helix (double-stranded DNA). So, in total there are 46*2=92 strands of DNA in each diploid human cell! So, in an astounding design of genius Ningishziddah/Thot, who helped his father Enki separate the human genome and create humans had incorporated such knowledge to leave us as a testament to his love and genius.  But it goes further.

The periodic table of the elements assigns one place to every atomic number, and each of these places is labeled with the common name of the element, as, for example, calcium, radon, or uranium, all of which have an atomic number of 92. The number of chromosomes and chromatids present during the various stages of meiosis and mitosis in eukaryotes. Chromatin is the general packaging of DNA around histone proteins – this arrangement of DNA helps to condense DNA to fit within the nucleus of the cell. Throughout most of the cell cycle, DNA is packaged in the form of chromatin. However, during mitosis and meiosis, chromatin exists in an additional level of organization known as a chromosome. Chromosomes are an even denser packaging of chromatin that is visible with a light microscope, particularly during metaphase. Chromosomes can exist in duplicated or unduplicated states. At the beginning of mitosis, for example, a chromosome consists of two sister chromatids – chromatids are the term used to describe the chromosome in its duplicated state. Let’s try to tie all of this information together and see how it applies to chromosome and chromatid count during the various stages of cell replication. During the S phase of interphase, the genetic material of a cell is duplicated. A human has 46 chromosomes (a set of 23 you inherit from your mother, and a set of 23 from your father). After the genetic material is duplicated and condenses during the prophase of mitosis, there are still only 46 chromosomes – however, they exist in a structure that looks like an X shape: So, chromosomes consist of two sister chromatids. For humans, this means that during prophase and metaphase of mitosis, a human will have 46 chromosomes, but 92 chromatids (again, remember that there are 92 chromatids because the original 46 chromosomes were duplicated during S phase of interphase.

The beauty then is to see the connections and to know that not all the atoms of an element need to have the same number of neutrons in their nuclei. It is precisely the variation in the number of neutrons in the nuclei of atoms that gives rise to isotopes. Hydrogen is a case in point. It has the atomic number 1. Three nuclei with one proton are known that contain 0, 1, and 2 neutrons, respectively. The three share the place in the periodic table assigned to atomic number 1 and hence are called isotopes (from the Greek isos, meaning “same,” and topos, signifying “place”) of hydrogen.

Many important properties of an isotope depend on its mass. The total number of neutrons and protons (symbol A), or mass number, of the nucleus, gives approximately the mass measured on the so-called atomic-mass-unit (amu) scale. The numerical difference between the actual measured mass of an isotope and A is called either the mass excess or the mass defect. What does all these have to do with anything you may ask? Especially, how do all these things relate to the shape of the earth and how things function inside the Earth?

The answer lies that the amazing numbers show us the right size of planet Earth and everything that rules in all physical laws. The basic rules that create nuclear stability, while at the same time, the cause of radioactive decay is what gives us the right number of the Merkabah Earth. By logic and by atomic fusion and structure our planet is exactly the result of the fusion of all those elements, and hence it can not have any other shape but the form of a merkabah.

Our planet Earth and every single element including gases, air, and water in the oceans is the product of the "cosmic" abundance, cosmic dust manifesting in a pattern of elements, and the chemical and physical processes that give form and maintain the nuclear interaction of oceans and earth as whole. So, we shall not be shocked, surprised, or have doubts that the Earth is a representation or distinct manifestation of the interaction of cosmic dust that creates a constant reaction to the cosmic abundance of the elements, which we can explain based on their origin, and from the fundamental nature of nuclear structure and stability. In short, each atom's form and shape can never be altered but it creates an identical form that creates the flower of life, which interacts as a constant Fibonacci sequence. So, planet Earth cannot possibly be but a number within that sequence, and can't be shaped any other way but as a mercabah. Hence that number is the isotope number of 12.744 to 12.754 multiplied by the value of PI.

• There are four fundamental forces of nature, their respective strengths span 39 orders of magnitude

1. Strong nuclear (short range, between nucleons) Strength = 1

2. Electromagnetic (infinite, but shielded) Strength = 10-²

3. Weak nuclear force (very short range between leptons, beta decay) Strength = 10-¹³

4. Gravity (infinite range, cannot be shielded against) Strength = 10-(exponent 39)

• The two most significant advances in modern physics (and science in general) this century are relativity and quantum mechanics. The former provided a fundamental linkage between matter, energy, and gravity. The latter rationalized atomic (and ultimately nuclear) structure and the behavior of subatomic particles.

The two in combination played a fundamental role in building the foundations for our understanding of the cosmos around us, and its origins. Mass is energy, energy is mass: E=mc2

. What does this mean? One gram of matter yields the following amount of energy:

The nuclear mass of hydrogen (i.e., a proton) is 1.007277 AMU. Combining four hydrogen atoms to make a helium nucleus, it weighs 4.00150 AMU, rather than 4.0291 AM. The whole is lighter than the sum of the parts. This difference is liberated in the form of fusion energy.

• Nuclear stability and mass are related. More stable nuclei are heavier (binding energy is converted to mass) E=mc2 so that 1 A.M.U. = 930 MeV. That is, 1 MeV is about 0.1% of an A.M.U.

• We can calculate the total binding energy of the nucleus from its mass (using E=MC2) and divide by the number of nucleons in the nucleus (neutrons and protons) to produce an “average binding energy vs mass curve”. The higher the number, the more stable the nucleus is.

• There are several factors affecting nuclear stability, many of which are reflected in the abundance curve:

The Significance of Isotopes and Atomic Structure

Isotopes are variations of elements with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. For example, hydrogen has isotopes with 0, 1, and 2 neutrons. The Great Pyramid’s design incorporates knowledge of isotopes, reflecting an advanced understanding of atomic structure.

The variations in neutron numbers and their effects on atomic mass reveal that the pyramids contain encoded information about atomic and isotopic principles. This knowledge extends to understanding Earth’s dimensions and the laws governing nuclear stability and radioactive decay.


The integration of sacred geometry, atomic theory, and Earth’s measurements suggests that the planet’s shape and function align with the concept of a Merkabah. The precision of the pyramid’s design and its correlation with isotopic data emphasize the ancient builders’ profound understanding of both spiritual and scientific principles. Therefore, considering Earth as a Merkabah is a logical conclusion supported by the intersection of sacred geometry, atomic structure, and the dimensions of our planet.

Understanding the Merkaba: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality

1. The Merkaba as a Symbol of Unity

The Merkaba is a potent symbol with roots in various ancient traditions, including Egyptian mysticism. The term "Merkaba" derives from three ancient Egyptian words: Mer (light), Ka (spirit), and Ba (body). Together, they signify a unity of light, spirit, and body. The traditional Merkaba is composed of two interlocking tetrahedrons, forming a three-dimensional star often associated with the Star of David. This geometric shape symbolizes the balance between opposing forces, such as the masculine and feminine energies, and the interconnectedness of all existence.

2. The Merkaba and Cosmic Principles

The concept of the Merkaba resonates with cosmic principles. Earth, like all elements and structures in the universe, is a manifestation of cosmic dust and fundamental processes. The dimensions of Earth and its components, including gases, air, and water, reflect the cosmic abundance of elements and the interaction of fundamental forces.

Sacred geometry, including the Merkaba, is thought to encode patterns of cosmic order. For instance, Earth’s dimensions align with the Fibonacci sequence and the concept of the Merkaba, suggesting that our planet’s structure mirrors universal principles. The isotopic measurements of 12.744 to 12.754 multiplied by π (pi) reflect this cosmic alignment, supporting the idea that Earth is an embodiment of these sacred geometric principles.

3. The Fundamental Forces and Cosmic Balance

The four fundamental forces of nature—strong nuclear, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, and gravity—span 39 orders of magnitude in strength. These forces govern the behavior of matter and energy:Strong Nuclear Force: Short-range force that holds nucleons together in the nucleus, with a strength of 1.

Electromagnetic Force: Acts over infinite distances but can be shielded, with a strength of 10⁻².

Weak Nuclear Force: Short-range force responsible for beta decay, with a strength of 10⁻¹³.

Gravity: Acts over infinite distances and cannot be shielded, with a strength of 10⁻³⁹.

Relativity and quantum mechanics, two significant advances in modern physics, provide insight into how these forces interact with matter and energy. The equation


E=mc2   links mass and energy, revealing that one gram of matter yields substantial energy.

4. Nuclear Stability and the Binding Energy Curve

Nuclear stability is influenced by several factors:

Attraction Between Nucleons: Generally, more nucleons mean higher binding energy, up to a point.

Spin Pairing: Odd/even nucleon numbers affect binding energy, with even numbers often being more stable.

Shell Structure: Specific numbers (2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126) denote highly stable nuclei.

Surface Tension: Smaller nuclei are less stable due to high surface-to-volume ratios.

Coulomb Repulsion: Larger nuclei face repulsion between protons, limiting their size.

The binding energy curve peaks around iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni), which are among the most stable nuclei. The relationship between nuclear stability and the abundance of isotopes reflects these principles.

5. Radioactive Decay and Isotopic Dating

Radioactive decay occurs when an unstable nucleus transforms into a more stable state. The main types of decay are:

Alpha Decay: Emission of alpha particles from heavy nuclei, involving the strong nuclear force.

Beta Decay: Transformation of protons to neutrons or vice versa, involving the weak nuclear force.

Gamma Decay: Emission of photons, usually following alpha or beta decay.

Radioactive dating uses the constant decay rates of isotopes to determine the age of materials. Methods include simple dating, parent-daughter dating, and secular equilibrium dating. These techniques rely on the constancy of decay rates, unaffected by external conditions.

6. The Merkaba and Spiritual Transformation

Beyond its scientific implications, the Merkaba is also a symbol of spiritual growth and enlightenment. In various esoteric traditions, it represents the vehicle for spiritual evolution, enabling individuals to transcend physical limitations and access higher realms of consciousness. The Merkaba is seen as a tool for meditation, protection, and harnessing divine energy, facilitating personal transformation and connection with higher spiritual dimensions.

NOTE: Why is so important to understand these facts now? If Nibiru is here, then we can find the answers as to why the changes will happen. SOLUCIONES PARA UN MEJOR FUTURO: Muñoz Ferrada ( 


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