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martes, 17 de septiembre de 2024

Muñoz Ferrada


by Germanico Vaca

Carlos Muñoz Ferrada was a Chilean astronomer and seismologist, known for his unorthodox and controversial predictions about cosmic events and natural disasters. He combined knowledge gained from Japanese and Chinese astronomers to make accurate predictions of seismology and geotectonic interaction. He was renowned for his predictions of earthquakes and tsunamis, some of which were said to have been accurate. However, he is most widely known for his theory regarding the existence of a rogue planetary object he called it Hercolobus, but most people called Nibiru, also known as "Planet X."

Key Elements of Muñoz Ferrada’s Nibiru Theory:

Planet-Object Hybrid: Muñoz Ferrada referred to Nibiru as a "comet-planet," describing it as a massive celestial object with both the characteristics of a planet and a comet. He claimed it has a solid core and an immense gravitational field, and it travels along an elliptical orbit between a dark sun on the Orion system and our solar system that brings it close to Earth at intervals of every 15,300 years

Size and Trajectory: According to Ferrada, Nibiru is much larger than Jupiter (six times its size, as shown in the image). He predicted that it would pass close to Earth, causing significant gravitational disturbances, which would lead to massive geological and atmospheric upheavals. He forecasted that its proximity would trigger earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other catastrophic events. That is exactly what we will be confronting from now until 2030. 

Predicted Timeline: Muñoz Ferrada claimed that Nibiru would pass dangerously close to Earth in the future, though his predictions were never accepted by mainstream science. His forecasts often lacked specific dates, but some suggest that he placed this event between the end of 2024-2025, and the effects will linger all the way until 2030, which is why some fringe theorists have linked his predictions to contemporary times, like the date range shown in the image (2024–2025).

Cosmic Energy and Global Effects: In addition to geological disturbances, Ferrada believed that Nibiru would cause changes in the chemical isotopes of Earth’s elements, altering energy balances, which he claimed could impact human behavior and health. This part of his theory has parallels to some fringe ideas about cosmic rays or external energies influencing human affairs.

Scientific Rejection:

Despite the intrigue surrounding Muñoz Ferrada’s predictions, his ideas about Nibiru and its effects are widely rejected by the scientific community. (despite the fact that is happening) There are several reasons for this:

No Evidence of Nibiru: Modern astronomers, including observations by space agencies such as NASA, they claim that they have not detected any large planetary object on a collision course with Earth. Of course, Ferrada never claimed there would be a collision, However, it must be pointed out that if the Nibiruans have such advanced technology, they could create a shield to be invisible, (cloud seeding and jet trails may be to hide) or some strange events have happened such as a start that produced a shield approaching Earth. Numerous telescopes are scanning the skies, and no rogue planet the size of Jupiter or larger has been observed near our solar system. Yet private pictures of a massive sun-like object permeate the internet

Orbital Mechanics: The catastrophic events Ferrada predicted (such as gravitational disruptions from Nibiru) would require an object of massive size, and its presence would be detectable by changes in the orbits of other planets, none of which have been observed. Nevertheless, NASA has also observed changes to the atmosphere and disruption to other planets which they do not seem to have a clear explanation. But the effects on the weather, the melting of all the ice of Antartica and the Artic are the direct result of Nibiru or herbocolous much more than climate change. 

Doomsday Theories: Nibiru theories often surface in doomsday predictions, especially around significant dates (like 2012 with the Mayan calendar). Of course, that should have been adjusted to 2024 based on the fact of changes that were made to the Gregorian, Julian, and astronomical calendars. These scenarios have been supposedly widely debunked by the “scientific community” which usually depends on the narrative, salaries, and funding from the elite wants to be promulgated and they throw anyone else under the bus of pseudoscience, lacking credible evidence, usually until they can no longer be denied what is more evident that Donald Trump using a diaper.

Economic implications. Of course, there are economic implications. The world could spiral into anarchy, nobody would pay taxes and bankruptcies would abound. Nations with massive debt will refuse to make payments and a fast collapse of society could be triggered.

Cultural Influence:

The idea of Nibiru or Planet X has been popularized by various conspiracy theories over the years, often linked to apocalyptic or doomsday scenarios. Some versions suggest it will lead to pole shifts, massive earthquakes, and even the end of human civilization. These ideas often resurface in internet communities, despite repeated: “scientific talking heads discrediting”.


Carlos Muñoz Ferrada’s was mocked and ignored with every prediction he made about earthquakes. Yet every single prediction he made was exact and accurate. So, the theory about Hercolobus or Nibiru reflects a blend of astronomical observation, seismology, and speculative ideas, but according to the establishment dependents of the NASA massive payment system, it remains firmly in the realm of pseudoscience. No verifiable data supports the idea of a large planet (ignore all the unexplained changes to the planet) or "comet-planet" approaching Earth, and mainstream science consistently keeps lying even about a sphere Earth despite the ample stupidity that poses but they happily claim to debunk any claims that do not adjust to the NASA lies. I have patented seven inventions and will be announcing shortly what will be done about it. 

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