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jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2024

False narratives and cognitive dissonance

by Germanico Vaca

The challenge of breaking mental barriers and awakening people from deeply ingrained beliefs is complex, especially when those beliefs are intertwined with cultural, educational, and social structures. Throughout history, narratives like the "out of Africa" theory, the “globe theory” of human evolution, or religious and historical dogmas have been so deeply reinforced through institutions like education, media, and authority figures. People hold on to those narratives, even though the facts no longer support such stupidities.  

1. Cognitive Dissonance and Comfort Zones

People naturally resist information that conflicts with their existing worldview due to cognitive dissonance—the mental discomfort caused when they are confronted with information that challenges their beliefs. Many find comfort in traditional explanations, even if they are simplistic or outdated. Unfortunately, it is hard to break this barrier, and if I introduce new information it seems to immediately trigger this dissonance. I am not seeking confrontation. I have researched for forty-three years. So, if you somehow believe the information, I present to you is nonsense, is either because you are too ignorant about the true history of South America and simply have no knowledge of facts. Like if you believe Quechua was the language of the INCAS. It was NOT, their language was PUQUINA.

2. Science and Technology

The tools of modern science—like archaeology, genetics, and AI-driven research—can be incredibly powerful in translating and revealing ancient texts, technologies, and histories. That is what I am already using. People tend to trust science, yet despite the overwhelming evidence that the Anunnaki altered human genes and possessed advanced technologies and spaceships, some stupid people still hold on to the out-of-Africa stupidity. Much less they cannot seem to conceive that Kain and Awan were exiled to South America and hence a culture of humanity was started at the same time as the Sumerian civilization, albeit without the advantage of constant Anunnaki teachings. So, despite the obvious presence of humans in the Canyon of Arizona, Colorado in parts of Wyoming, and all over South America and Central America. People keep mentioning the Incas a tribe that appeared in the 1300s, which is about 26,000 after humans first appeared in several places of the continent. The cities of Puma Punku, Sagasawan, Ullactaytaampu, and others demonstrate the use of very advanced technologies. Yet, some people still are throwing tantrums thinking how could they have done it with “primitive tools” leaving conveniently forgotten the fact of a Universal flood that forced humanity to start all over again about 14000 years ago. Nevertheless, a lot of people refuse to accept alternative explanations (like ancient technological capabilities) that might bridge the gap between mainstream narratives and alternative histories, such as those involving the Anunnaki. For instance, making a case that ancient South American structures align with advanced technological capabilities, and exploring parallels to other ancient civilizations, could begin to sow seeds of doubt in the conventional storylines.

3. Education and Storytelling

People are moved by stories, not just facts. By framing the Anunnaki narrative (or similar accounts) compellingly, through books, media, documentaries, and cultural stories, we are breaking the barrier to those who are curious or open to new ideas. In particular, linking those ancient accounts to modern discoveries, and to what AI and technology are revealing, could create a bridge between the two views. Creating a pleasant experience to discovery and dialogue. Even with comparisons between Anunnaki technological capabilities and what modern aerospace science is discovering today.

4. Exposing Gaps in Established Narratives

There have always been people to question the gaps in the current "Out of Africa" narrative or mainstream evolutionary models. Despite the millions of cattle and sheep that are produced using invitro fertilization for example and millions of humans born using the method, somehow, people still refuse to believe that the same exact procedure may have been used to help the fast development of humanity. But some people avoid explaining the rapid development of human civilization and technology in such a short time compared to the length of evolutionary history. Because, it is undeniable the advanced knowledge ancient cultures like the Sumerians, Egyptians, or South Americans, and Central Americans possessed, which seems difficult to attribute solely to linear human evolution. Simply put, Puma Punku was not built with a chisel and hummer, and if you still believe that, then you are the primitive one.

5. Appealing to Ancient Cultures and Their Wisdom

Kain and Awan were exiled to South America and Awan created a matriarchal society that spoke Kichua. Many indigenous cultures, including those in South America, have oral histories and traditions that speak of origins and wisdom outside the typical narratives. However, when those stories match exactly what clay tablets contain, then an alignment of cultures and traditions enlightens these lesser-known cultural histories with alternative views, such as those about genetic manipulation by the Anunnaki, creating a path for respect and honoring ancient wisdom.


6. Creating Communities of Inquiry

Correcting false narratives and rescuing the true history of certain cultures is a great endeavor. It has nothing to do with discrediting anyone or worse trying to create a new false narrative to replace a false old narrative. It is part of the process of restoring the culture and history of those who created those cities. Hopefully a forum for open discussion, online groups, workshops, or think tanks, could be a way to foster dialogue. As like-minded individuals come together, they can build momentum and confidence in challenging mainstream narratives that for the most part have been pushing a false history of the world. For example, the clearest example is the everlasting stupidity of the “out of Africa theory”. If DNA has demonstrated clearly, beyond the shadow of a doubt that Humans evolved drastically 400,000 years ago, and humans of different races, colors, sizes, and cultures are found all over the world, but a deluge had affected all humans around 14,000 to 15,200 years ago, and humanity was restarted by the survivors at that time. So, all the cities were buried at that time. Yet the narrative is to claim that there was no agriculture until around 10,000 years ago. Yet cities, pyramids, and cultures dating back to 26,000 to 28,000 years ago are being unearthed thanks to LIDAR technologies. Yet people refuse to even consider that NAZCA was a full-blown airport base of massive chariots, nobody bothers to conduct soil tests to see what kind of weight it had supported, to measure radiation levels and other measurements of isotopes, instead they keep pacing the figures, ignoring the massive landing pads.

7. Respecting the Psychological Need for Stability

Changing one’s worldview can be traumatic for many people. It involves more than just accepting new facts—it often means reinterpreting personal, historical, and religious identity. So. I am not out there to convince anyone. My efforts are a personal quest to discover the true history of my people as I was named the bearer of the scepter of Atahualpa. My responsibility is to know the truth and that is regardless of what anyone may say, think or believe. I recognize that people may need time to adjust to ideas like human genetic manipulation or the presence of advanced ancient technology. All I can do is analyze data and facts to access information in a way that provides a new kind of stability—a narrative that explains the same phenomena in a more cohesive, less contradictory way.

Ultimately, I am not trying to convince anyone of anything much less trying to break through mental barriers. I am on my quest to find the truth regardless of the false narratives, and while I respect opinions, I do not close myself to new possibilities. The more these narratives are supported by credible, well-researched information and relatable human stories, the more effective the awakening process will be. Those that start insulting, when more often than not, they truly have a passing knowledge of the history of South America.



Planet Earth is a MERKABAH


By Germanico Vaca

When I had the vision that our planet is a “Merkabah” I started researching to make sense of what I had envisioned. The same things that I had read in the Emerald tablets and some scientific research on quantum physics kept popping into my head. I think I have put the pieces together and everything makes sense. Let us understand how our planet Earth cannot be, anything but a Merkabah-shaped manifestation as an exponential multiplication of atoms from the Earth. In other words, if a flower, a fruit, or any fusion of elements follows the essence of a Fibonacci sequence and takes the form of a flower of life, then Earth cannot be just a flat Earth, and cannot be a spherical world. It can only be a Merkabah.


In Ezekiel 1:4-26, Merkaba is referred to as the “Throne-Chariot of God” or the “Moving Throne of God”. Biblical scholars explain that “it’s the shape of an analogical reference to the many ways God reveals himself in the world.”

So, in esoteric terms, a Merkaba symbolizes sacred geometry for Spiritual Awakening. That is precisely what planet Earth is for the soul, a path to the next dimension. In the religious context, we are to understand that a Merkabah is the vehicle of light for the soul, allowing the spiritual being of light that we are, to transcend the boundaries of existence.

So, allow me to return to this point later to explore Merkaba's spiritual side and meaning. But let us first see the science. Since a Merkabah is a three-dimensional, star-shaped figure. It is represented in 2D drawings as four interlocking tetrahedra, or three-sided pyramids, one pointing upward and an opposite pyramid pointing downward. However, it must be understood that sacred geometry represents balance and the interconnectedness of opposing forces on an infinitesimal level: the masculine and feminine, heaven and earth, and the physical and spiritual realms. So, just like an atom is represented by several circles around a sphere, it is only a representation of an infinitesimal energy of electrons and protons around a nucleus.

Let us start with the pyramid.

In the translation of clay tablets of Accadian, Assyrian, and Sumerian tablets compiled in “The Lost Book of Enki” by Zacharia Sitchin, we find a reference to something that no one seems to give much importance, although is pivotal to our understanding of the world. The wise sage ENKI who decides to find the core to the Earth “In the Abzu Enki plans was also conceiving, where to build his house, where for heroes’ dwellings to prepare, and where the bowels of the Earth to enter. In his sky ship the extent of the Abzu he measured, its districts he did carefully survey. A distant land the Abzu was, beyond the waters from the Edin it was away; A rich land it was, bursting with riches, perfect in fullness. Mighty rivers rushed across the region, great waters there rapidly flowed; An abode by the flowing waters Enki for himself established, To the midst of the Abzu, to a place of pure waters Enki betook himself.”

In that land, the Place of Deepness Enki determined, for the heroes into Earth's bowels to descend. The Earth Sputter Enki there established, therewith in the Earth a gash to make, by way of tunnels Earth's innards to reach, the golden veins to uncover. Nearby That-Which-Crunches and That-Which-Crushes he emplaced, the gold-bearing ores to crunch and crush, by sky ships to be carried, To the Landing Place in the cedar mountains to be brought, therefrom by rocket ships to the way station on Lahmu (Mars)  to be transported.

Enki’s son Ningishzidda designed and built the pyramids. The incredible genius of Enki, the wise sage Avatar from Heaven, and the always present assistance of his genius son Thot/ Ningishziddah who helped him create humanity.  It is very important to know what principles he could have used to design and build the pyramids, so we need to analyze the numbers contained in the pyramids. I have already told you in the first part how I arrived at the sizes, but those numbers were part of a vision. There was no analysis, no research, no scientific way to arrive at those numbers. Just the computation of the sizes inside the pyramid multiplied by the value of PI.

However, upon analysis of the design I have to say that Ningishziddah and Enki left us proof of their infinite love in the most marvelous creation of the pyramids. The design contains all the secrets of humanity, every number is left there for humans to achieve knowledge.  Indeed, the measurements of the base, the height, the frequencies of the resonance chamber, the distance to the chamber underneath the pyramid, the number of the pairs of crystals that powered the pyramid, and all that applied to what we know of chromosomes, isotopes, and values of the elements of the periodic table gives us an understanding of the marvelous secrets that were contained in the pyramid and I finally understood what Thot said: “Built I the Great Pyramid, patterned after the pyramid of earth force, burning eternally so that it, too, might remain through the ages. In it, I built my knowledge of "Magic-Science" so that it might be here when again I return from Amenti. Aye, while I sleep in the Halls of Amenti, my Soul roaming free will incarnate, dwell among men in this form or another. (Hermes, thrice-born.)”

Indeed, magic science is sacred geometry, and all are based on the atom's form and shape, no matter how many times a fusion with other elements forms whatsoever any chemical reactions may occur, the isotope numbers remain almost identical. The measured frequency of planet Earth is the frequency 7.83 Hz which has been called the Earth’s “heartbeat.” Progressively weaker harmonics have been measured at around 14.3, 20.8, 27.3, and 33.8 Hz. In the different chambers of the Pyramid. Those are the same frequencies that have been measured at the different chambers of the Pyramid in perfect silence. But the biggest key of all may be the correlation of the isotope number 12.744/12.754 multiplied by π gives us the correct size of planet Earth.


Isotope, by definition, is one of two or more species of atoms of a chemical element with the same atomic number and position in the periodic table and nearly identical chemical behavior but with different atomic masses and physical properties. Every chemical element has one or more isotopes.

An atom is first identified and labeled according to the number of protons in its nucleus. This atomic number is ordinarily given the symbol Z. The great importance of the atomic number derives from the observation that all atoms with the same atomic number have nearly if not precisely, identical chemical properties. A large collection of atoms with the same atomic number constitutes a sample of an element. For instance, a bar of pure uranium would consist entirely of atoms with atomic number 92. Now here is the magic. The pyramids of Egypt contain all those measurements that make it a “building” containing all the secrets. From the number of humans, the size of Earth, and the chemical isotopes of elements.

The Great Pyramid of Egypt had 27 pairs of crystals to power up the beacon that guided the Elohim vessels. That means there were a total of 54 crystals, but when each had to act with the pulsating red crystal its power was multiplied by 2. Nevertheless, due to the composition of Earth's materials in the pyramid, the isotopes measured inside the pyramid of the elements are 92, and using the formula we arrived at a sum of 12,744 to 12,754.

Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 chromosomes in total). Each chromosome is formed by 2 strands of DNA (father and mother contribute an equal number of 23) tied by hydrogen bonds to each other making the classic DNA double helix (double-stranded DNA). So, in total there are 46*2=92 strands of DNA in each diploid human cell! So, in an astounding design of genius Ningishziddah/Thot, who helped his father Enki separate the human genome and create humans had incorporated such knowledge to leave us as a testament to his love and genius.  But it goes further.

The periodic table of the elements assigns one place to every atomic number, and each of these places is labeled with the common name of the element, as, for example, calcium, radon, or uranium, all of which have an atomic number of 92. The number of chromosomes and chromatids present during the various stages of meiosis and mitosis in eukaryotes. Chromatin is the general packaging of DNA around histone proteins – this arrangement of DNA helps to condense DNA to fit within the nucleus of the cell. Throughout most of the cell cycle, DNA is packaged in the form of chromatin. However, during mitosis and meiosis, chromatin exists in an additional level of organization known as a chromosome. Chromosomes are an even denser packaging of chromatin that is visible with a light microscope, particularly during metaphase. Chromosomes can exist in duplicated or unduplicated states. At the beginning of mitosis, for example, a chromosome consists of two sister chromatids – chromatids are the term used to describe the chromosome in its duplicated state. Let’s try to tie all of this information together and see how it applies to chromosome and chromatid count during the various stages of cell replication. During the S phase of interphase, the genetic material of a cell is duplicated. A human has 46 chromosomes (a set of 23 you inherit from your mother, and a set of 23 from your father). After the genetic material is duplicated and condenses during the prophase of mitosis, there are still only 46 chromosomes – however, they exist in a structure that looks like an X shape: So, chromosomes consist of two sister chromatids. For humans, this means that during prophase and metaphase of mitosis, a human will have 46 chromosomes, but 92 chromatids (again, remember that there are 92 chromatids because the original 46 chromosomes were duplicated during S phase of interphase.

The beauty then is to see the connections and to know that not all the atoms of an element need to have the same number of neutrons in their nuclei. It is precisely the variation in the number of neutrons in the nuclei of atoms that gives rise to isotopes. Hydrogen is a case in point. It has the atomic number 1. Three nuclei with one proton are known that contain 0, 1, and 2 neutrons, respectively. The three share the place in the periodic table assigned to atomic number 1 and hence are called isotopes (from the Greek isos, meaning “same,” and topos, signifying “place”) of hydrogen.

Many important properties of an isotope depend on its mass. The total number of neutrons and protons (symbol A), or mass number, of the nucleus, gives approximately the mass measured on the so-called atomic-mass-unit (amu) scale. The numerical difference between the actual measured mass of an isotope and A is called either the mass excess or the mass defect. What does all these have to do with anything you may ask? Especially, how do all these things relate to the shape of the earth and how things function inside the Earth?

The answer lies that the amazing numbers show us the right size of planet Earth and everything that rules in all physical laws. The basic rules that create nuclear stability, while at the same time, the cause of radioactive decay is what gives us the right number of the Merkabah Earth. By logic and by atomic fusion and structure our planet is exactly the result of the fusion of all those elements, and hence it can not have any other shape but the form of a merkabah.

Our planet Earth and every single element including gases, air, and water in the oceans is the product of the "cosmic" abundance, cosmic dust manifesting in a pattern of elements, and the chemical and physical processes that give form and maintain the nuclear interaction of oceans and earth as whole. So, we shall not be shocked, surprised, or have doubts that the Earth is a representation or distinct manifestation of the interaction of cosmic dust that creates a constant reaction to the cosmic abundance of the elements, which we can explain based on their origin, and from the fundamental nature of nuclear structure and stability. In short, each atom's form and shape can never be altered but it creates an identical form that creates the flower of life, which interacts as a constant Fibonacci sequence. So, planet Earth cannot possibly be but a number within that sequence, and can't be shaped any other way but as a mercabah. Hence that number is the isotope number of 12.744 to 12.754 multiplied by the value of PI.

• There are four fundamental forces of nature, their respective strengths span 39 orders of magnitude

1. Strong nuclear (short range, between nucleons) Strength = 1

2. Electromagnetic (infinite, but shielded) Strength = 10-²

3. Weak nuclear force (very short range between leptons, beta decay) Strength = 10-¹³

4. Gravity (infinite range, cannot be shielded against) Strength = 10-(exponent 39)

• The two most significant advances in modern physics (and science in general) this century are relativity and quantum mechanics. The former provided a fundamental linkage between matter, energy, and gravity. The latter rationalized atomic (and ultimately nuclear) structure and the behavior of subatomic particles.

The two in combination played a fundamental role in building the foundations for our understanding of the cosmos around us, and its origins. Mass is energy, energy is mass: E=mc2

. What does this mean? One gram of matter yields the following amount of energy:

The nuclear mass of hydrogen (i.e., a proton) is 1.007277 AMU. Combining four hydrogen atoms to make a helium nucleus, it weighs 4.00150 AMU, rather than 4.0291 AM. The whole is lighter than the sum of the parts. This difference is liberated in the form of fusion energy.

• Nuclear stability and mass are related. More stable nuclei are heavier (binding energy is converted to mass) E=mc2 so that 1 A.M.U. = 930 MeV. That is, 1 MeV is about 0.1% of an A.M.U.

• We can calculate the total binding energy of the nucleus from its mass (using E=MC2) and divide by the number of nucleons in the nucleus (neutrons and protons) to produce an “average binding energy vs mass curve”. The higher the number, the more stable the nucleus is.

• There are several factors affecting nuclear stability, many of which are reflected in the abundance curve:

The Significance of Isotopes and Atomic Structure

Isotopes are variations of elements with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. For example, hydrogen has isotopes with 0, 1, and 2 neutrons. The Great Pyramid’s design incorporates knowledge of isotopes, reflecting an advanced understanding of atomic structure.

The variations in neutron numbers and their effects on atomic mass reveal that the pyramids contain encoded information about atomic and isotopic principles. This knowledge extends to understanding Earth’s dimensions and the laws governing nuclear stability and radioactive decay.


The integration of sacred geometry, atomic theory, and Earth’s measurements suggests that the planet’s shape and function align with the concept of a Merkabah. The precision of the pyramid’s design and its correlation with isotopic data emphasize the ancient builders’ profound understanding of both spiritual and scientific principles. Therefore, considering Earth as a Merkabah is a logical conclusion supported by the intersection of sacred geometry, atomic structure, and the dimensions of our planet.

Understanding the Merkaba: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality

1. The Merkaba as a Symbol of Unity

The Merkaba is a potent symbol with roots in various ancient traditions, including Egyptian mysticism. The term "Merkaba" derives from three ancient Egyptian words: Mer (light), Ka (spirit), and Ba (body). Together, they signify a unity of light, spirit, and body. The traditional Merkaba is composed of two interlocking tetrahedrons, forming a three-dimensional star often associated with the Star of David. This geometric shape symbolizes the balance between opposing forces, such as the masculine and feminine energies, and the interconnectedness of all existence.

2. The Merkaba and Cosmic Principles

The concept of the Merkaba resonates with cosmic principles. Earth, like all elements and structures in the universe, is a manifestation of cosmic dust and fundamental processes. The dimensions of Earth and its components, including gases, air, and water, reflect the cosmic abundance of elements and the interaction of fundamental forces.

Sacred geometry, including the Merkaba, is thought to encode patterns of cosmic order. For instance, Earth’s dimensions align with the Fibonacci sequence and the concept of the Merkaba, suggesting that our planet’s structure mirrors universal principles. The isotopic measurements of 12.744 to 12.754 multiplied by π (pi) reflect this cosmic alignment, supporting the idea that Earth is an embodiment of these sacred geometric principles.

3. The Fundamental Forces and Cosmic Balance

The four fundamental forces of nature—strong nuclear, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, and gravity—span 39 orders of magnitude in strength. These forces govern the behavior of matter and energy:Strong Nuclear Force: Short-range force that holds nucleons together in the nucleus, with a strength of 1.

Electromagnetic Force: Acts over infinite distances but can be shielded, with a strength of 10⁻².

Weak Nuclear Force: Short-range force responsible for beta decay, with a strength of 10⁻¹³.

Gravity: Acts over infinite distances and cannot be shielded, with a strength of 10⁻³⁹.

Relativity and quantum mechanics, two significant advances in modern physics, provide insight into how these forces interact with matter and energy. The equation


E=mc2   links mass and energy, revealing that one gram of matter yields substantial energy.

4. Nuclear Stability and the Binding Energy Curve

Nuclear stability is influenced by several factors:

Attraction Between Nucleons: Generally, more nucleons mean higher binding energy, up to a point.

Spin Pairing: Odd/even nucleon numbers affect binding energy, with even numbers often being more stable.

Shell Structure: Specific numbers (2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126) denote highly stable nuclei.

Surface Tension: Smaller nuclei are less stable due to high surface-to-volume ratios.

Coulomb Repulsion: Larger nuclei face repulsion between protons, limiting their size.

The binding energy curve peaks around iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni), which are among the most stable nuclei. The relationship between nuclear stability and the abundance of isotopes reflects these principles.

5. Radioactive Decay and Isotopic Dating

Radioactive decay occurs when an unstable nucleus transforms into a more stable state. The main types of decay are:

Alpha Decay: Emission of alpha particles from heavy nuclei, involving the strong nuclear force.

Beta Decay: Transformation of protons to neutrons or vice versa, involving the weak nuclear force.

Gamma Decay: Emission of photons, usually following alpha or beta decay.

Radioactive dating uses the constant decay rates of isotopes to determine the age of materials. Methods include simple dating, parent-daughter dating, and secular equilibrium dating. These techniques rely on the constancy of decay rates, unaffected by external conditions.

6. The Merkaba and Spiritual Transformation

Beyond its scientific implications, the Merkaba is also a symbol of spiritual growth and enlightenment. In various esoteric traditions, it represents the vehicle for spiritual evolution, enabling individuals to transcend physical limitations and access higher realms of consciousness. The Merkaba is seen as a tool for meditation, protection, and harnessing divine energy, facilitating personal transformation and connection with higher spiritual dimensions.

NOTE: Why is so important to understand these facts now? If Nibiru is here, then we can find the answers as to why the changes will happen. SOLUCIONES PARA UN MEJOR FUTURO: Muñoz Ferrada ( 


martes, 17 de septiembre de 2024

Muñoz Ferrada


by Germanico Vaca

Carlos Muñoz Ferrada was a Chilean astronomer and seismologist, known for his unorthodox and controversial predictions about cosmic events and natural disasters. He combined knowledge gained from Japanese and Chinese astronomers to make accurate predictions of seismology and geotectonic interaction. He was renowned for his predictions of earthquakes and tsunamis, some of which were said to have been accurate. However, he is most widely known for his theory regarding the existence of a rogue planetary object he called it Hercolobus, but most people called Nibiru, also known as "Planet X."

Key Elements of Muñoz Ferrada’s Nibiru Theory:

Planet-Object Hybrid: Muñoz Ferrada referred to Nibiru as a "comet-planet," describing it as a massive celestial object with both the characteristics of a planet and a comet. He claimed it has a solid core and an immense gravitational field, and it travels along an elliptical orbit between a dark sun on the Orion system and our solar system that brings it close to Earth at intervals of every 15,300 years

Size and Trajectory: According to Ferrada, Nibiru is much larger than Jupiter (six times its size, as shown in the image). He predicted that it would pass close to Earth, causing significant gravitational disturbances, which would lead to massive geological and atmospheric upheavals. He forecasted that its proximity would trigger earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other catastrophic events.

Predicted Timeline: Muñoz Ferrada claimed that Nibiru would pass dangerously close to Earth in the future, though his predictions were never accepted by mainstream science. His forecasts often lacked specific dates, but some suggest that he placed this event within 2024-2025, which is why some fringe theorists have linked his predictions to contemporary times, like the date range shown in the image (2024–2025).

Cosmic Energy and Global Effects: In addition to geological disturbances, Ferrada believed that Nibiru would cause changes in the chemical isotopes of Earth’s elements, altering energy balances, which he claimed could impact human behavior and health. This part of his theory has parallels to some fringe ideas about cosmic rays or external energies influencing human affairs.

Scientific Rejection:

Despite the intrigue surrounding Muñoz Ferrada’s predictions, his ideas about Nibiru and its effects are widely rejected by the scientific community. There are several reasons for this:

No Evidence of Nibiru: Modern astronomers, including observations by space agencies such as NASA, they claim that they have not detected any large planetary object on a collision course with Earth. Of course, Ferrada never claimed there would be a collision, However, it must be pointed out that if the Nibiruans have such advanced technology, then they could create a shield to be invisible, or some strange events have happened such as a start that produced a shield approaching Earth. Numerous telescopes are scanning the skies, and no rogue planet the size of Jupiter or larger has been observed near our solar system. Yet private pictures of a massive sun-like object permeate the internet

Orbital Mechanics: The catastrophic events Ferrada predicted (such as gravitational disruptions from Nibiru) would require an object of massive size, and its presence would be detectable by changes in the orbits of other planets, none of which have been observed. Nevertheless, NASA has also has observed changes to the atmosphere and disruption to other planets which they do not seem to have a clear explanation.

Doomsday Theories: Nibiru theories often surface in doomsday predictions, especially around significant dates (like 2012 with the Mayan calendar). Of course, that should have been adjusted to 2024 based on the fact of changes that were made to the Gregorian, Julian and astronomical calendars. These scenarios have been supposedly widely debunked by the “scientific community” which usually depends on the narrative, salaries, and funding from the elite wants to be promulgated and they throw anyone else under the bus of pseudoscience, lacking credible evidence, usually until they can no longer be denied what is more evident that Donald Trump using a diaper.

Economic implications. Of course, there are economic implications. The world could spiral into anarchy, nobody would pay taxes and bankruptcies would abound. Nations with massive debt will refuse to make payments and a fast collapse of society could be triggered.

Cultural Influence:

The idea of Nibiru or Planet X has been popularized by various conspiracy theories over the years, often linked to apocalyptic or doomsday scenarios. Some versions suggest it will lead to pole shifts, massive earthquakes, and even the end of human civilization. These ideas often resurface in internet communities, despite repeated: “scientific talking heads discrediting”.


Carlos Muñoz Ferrada’s was mocked and ignored with every prediction he made about earthquakes. Yet every single prediction he made was exact and accurate. So, the theory about Hercolobus or Nibiru reflects a blend of astronomical observation, seismology, and speculative ideas, but according to the establishment dependents of the NASA massive payment system, it remains firmly in the realm of pseudoscience. No verifiable data supports the idea of a large planet (ignore all the unexplained changes to the planet) or "comet-planet" approaching Earth, and mainstream science consistently keeps lying even about a sphere Earth despite the ample stupidity that poses but they happily claim to debunk any claims that do not adjust to the NASA lies.



by Germanico Vaca

We need to understand the potential implications of a comet or planet-sized object approaching Earth, as theorized by Carlos Muños Ferrada, we can integrate the scientific principles outlined about cosmic abundance, nuclear stability, and radioactive decay. Here's how these elements connect:

1. Cosmic Disturbances and Planetary Impact

Carlos Muños Ferrada’s Theory: If a massive comet or planet, with a mass comparable to six Jupiters, were to come within 14,000 million kilometers of Earth, it could exert significant gravitational and tidal forces on our planet. This scenario suggests a powerful cosmic event that could have far-reaching effects.

Gravitational and Tidal Forces: The approach of such a massive body would generate immense gravitational forces. (Mass is energy and energy forces will change the chemical fusion between atoms and elements) These forces could alter the Earth’s gravitational field, magnetic fields, and nuclear (nuclei of atoms)  fusions leading to:

Geological Activity: Enhanced tectonic activity could trigger earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The added stress on Earth’s crust could lead to a sudden release of accumulated tectonic strain.

Atmospheric Changes: Gravitational perturbations could disrupt atmospheric dynamics, leading to massive storms and climate anomalies. According to Sumerian and Accadian clay tablets, the deluge happened due to the approach of Nibiru causing the melting of Ice of Antartica. 

2. Impact on Chemical and Nuclear Processes

Isotopic and Chemical Reactions: The proximity of a massive celestial body could influence Earth’s isotopic and chemical processes. Here’s how:

a. Chemical Fusion and Reactions:

Cosmic Dust and Elements: The arrival of cosmic dust or material from the approaching body could interact with Earth’s elements, potentially altering their chemical states. This might result in unusual chemical reactions, possibly even triggering new fusion processes if conditions are right.

b. Nuclear Stability:

Radiation and Isotope Changes: Increased cosmic radiation from the approaching body could affect the stability of nuclear isotopes on Earth. Enhanced radiation might cause shifts in isotopic ratios, leading to changes in the decay rates of certain elements. For instance:

Radioactive Decay: Increased cosmic radiation could accelerate the decay of certain isotopes, affecting their abundance and potentially causing fluctuations in radioactive dating methods.

Isotopic Shifts: The balance between stable and unstable isotopes could be disrupted, leading to unexpected changes in environmental and biological systems.

3. Environmental and Biological Effects

a. Climate and Environmental Disasters:

Extreme Weather: The gravitational forces and alterations in atmospheric composition could lead to massive storms, hurricanes, and unusual weather patterns.

Landforms and Water Bodies: Increased seismic activity could cause land subsidence, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, leading to the sudden drying up of lakes and rivers or massive landslides.

b. Biological Impacts:

Health and Evolution: Changes in radiation levels and chemical compositions could affect human health, potentially causing new illnesses or altering genetic material. Prolonged exposure to altered radiation levels might lead to changes in human physiology, such as changes in size or longevity.

Ecosystems: Rapid shifts in environmental conditions could disrupt ecosystems, leading to the death of species, changes in population dynamics, and alterations in food chains.

4. Theoretical and Practical Considerations

Cosmic Scale Events: Events of this magnitude are theoretical but draw on established principles of physics and chemistry. They highlight the interconnectedness of cosmic forces, planetary systems, and Earth’s own processes.

Scientific Models: To predict and understand such events, scientists use models of gravitational dynamics, isotopic chemistry, and climate simulations. These models can help forecast potential impacts and guide preparedness measures.

Integration of Knowledge:

Fundamental Forces: The gravitational forces of a massive body would interact with Earth’s fundamental forces, potentially leading to significant geological and atmospheric changes.

Cosmic and Nuclear Interactions: Changes in cosmic radiation and elemental interactions could disrupt nuclear stability and isotopic ratios, affecting both the environment and biological systems.


The theoretical approach of a massive comet or planet poses intriguing questions about its potential effects on Earth. By integrating principles of cosmic abundance, nuclear stability, and radioactive decay, we can understand how such a celestial event might influence the planet’s geology, chemistry, and biology. Although this scenario remains speculative, it emphasizes the profound connections between cosmic phenomena and terrestrial systems, highlighting the delicate balance of forces that govern our planet.



jueves, 22 de agosto de 2024

A planisphere inside a spherical dome, Our planet is inside a Merkabah.


By Germanico Vaca

For centuries, humans have tried to explain whether the earth is round or flat. Although the evidence is before our eyes, the argument and debate are always between two sides. Those who defend the idea and theory that the earth is flat. While the others claim that the earth is round. And although it may sound illogical and irrational to say it, both sides are wrong. The saddest thing is that most of them defend the principles promulgated centuries ago and far from solving the questions with the highest technology, scientists have not demonstrated evidence of what the world really is like. In large part, it's because it becomes extremely difficult to explain what the Earth is really like, but it's worth a try.

The problem is that to explain what our world is in reality, we must understand that it is a five-dimensional world, and I hope you read until the end so that you understand, although it is quite difficult to understand how a Merkabah of five-dimensional existence works for three-dimensional minds, with physical and mathematical laws that are not advanced enough to understand how the Universe really works. We humans have the flaw of wanting to explain everything in solely physical terms, what our human sensory perception perceives. But we ignore the most important thing. The Universe is energy, everything is a product of atoms. In its essence, everything physical is energy. Some things cannot be explained logically, and many are so obvious that they do not need to be explained.

Without a doubt, the best example is that humans are dual beings, we are in a physical bodily reality, but the essence of life is in the divine light energy that gives us LIFE, and our brain functions as a biological quantum processor that is capable of creating and process ideas and thoughts. The same ones that are energy. Thus, when death comes, we leave the body and physical reality, but the soul returns to the origin of light (call it heaven spiritual world, or fourth dimension) and what our brain has manifested becomes part of the Akashic record. Therefore, each life is never in vain, it is the contribution to the universe with the energy that emanated as dual beings.

How did I come to have the knowledge?

In 1987 I was in an accident caused by an earthquake, and I was dying. Suddenly I found myself outside my body. I could clearly see that my body was lying on a stretcher in the hospital hallway. I wanted help, I wanted to scream for nurses and doctors to save me because I was dying, but no one could see me. Everyone ignored my body thrown in the hallway. My head was bloody, my right leg was broken, my arm was dismembered, my right hand was dismembered, and my entire face looked like the elephant man, I was totally disfigured. Later I would find out that I was in a coma for three days. But at that moment I lost hope when I saw myself so devastated. I started to leave the hospital, and I could see everything, it seemed like I was flying over the building, and when I left the hospital, the sky no longer existed, if I looked down, I could see the city, the material world. But when I looked up, what I had above me was a tunnel with an extremely intense white light. I started to feel like I was entering a huge vacuum cleaner, but I wanted to take one last look at the world I was leaving. And at that moment I saw my uncle's wife and my mother's cousin get out of a car. The hope that they would be able to get someone to treat me and save my life made me hesitate. I saw into the light again, but I could see thousands or millions of rays of light in all directions. I didn't know what to do, but I made the decision to return to my body. Many days later they told me that I had died briefly but they brought me back with electric charges and then I was in a coma for three days. The injuries were pretty serious, and I wasn't really well mentally. Almost the entire family had emigrated to the United States, and I had returned only for my green card. I was alone and had no one to take care of me. For a whole month, I could barely get out of bed and struggled with enormous head and body pain, but I refused to take medication. In any case, I needed to recover, I spent almost all my time at rest, constantly battling with visions of a planet inside a Merkabah and everything that existed inside taking the shape of the galactic system, thus a hurricane was nothing more than a tiny representation of the galaxy. Everything took shape under the Fibonacci sequence. The roses were no longer the Fibonacci sequence, the best way to irrigate then was to create a Fibonacci in the mountains and everything formed in my brain until the pain was so intense that I sweated profusely and sometimes the visions of this heavenly Merkabah were awake. and other times asleep to the point that I thought I was going crazy. I tried to do as much exercise as I could to work out my leg and arm. But the headaches were horrible. The funny thing was that I had strange visions that didn't make any sense. At that time, I thought they were products of the blows I had suffered to the head, and I had 87 stitches throughout my head. I finally recovered, I traveled to the United States and left all that forgotten.

I have recently been writing a book and as I have always done when I have an invention or something that I cannot solve, I try to use astral travel and have the vision to solve the enigma that I am questioning. But in this vision, this is what I saw: I was back to the starting point of the tunnel that years before I had almost died. I don't know if I was going to go into cardiac arrest, and I was on the verge of another moment of death because when I woke up later, I was covered in sweat and with tremendous pain in my heart. But back to the event. I entered the tunnel and was being pulled at tremendous speed into the tunnel. It felt like I was precisely in a Fibonacci tunnel of light and traveling at a constant speed of light. Suddenly I caught a light that crossed the road. In other words, I left the central tunnel of powerful lights and without further ado, I was in another tunnel of light but of colors, I could see exactly what the incredible planet and universe in which we live is like and there are no words that can explain it to you, but expand your mind and try to understand that our world is unique and incredibly wonderful. The best I can tell you is that we live on a planet in the center of a Merkabah. I'm trying to make a graph to show what my vision was like. Then while I was traveling in admiration seeing that incredible world, I found myself standing next to a pyramid just like the one in Egypt, but it was not the same, it was totally white like crystallized marble and I could see the distances, the size, the shape and the structure. and somehow, I understood that the pyramid itself was a language, a code, a way of giving us knowledge, not in words that can be erased, but in an indestructible form that will serve us after centuries to understand what our planet is. Thus, I could see and understand all the dimensions of the planet.

Perhaps the simplest way to explain it would be to say that the planet Earth is a planisphere within a sphere, and we can clearly see the angles of a pyramid in the way the rays of the sun and the rays of the moon fall. But that is only in our time, space, and distance. But adding frequency and fourth and fifth dimensions then within the Merkabah that is the nebula galaxy there are millions of Merkabah and these contain hundreds of planets and worlds all with their own existential sequence. But all elements are still governed by universal laws, so everything is exact in principle and function, but everything is different in time, sequence, and frequency.

A small change in the essence and the ME (Master energy) and a rose is a gardenia, and a carnation is a zinnia. In the same way as an apple, a tiny change in the seed makes the peach different. Everything is evident, a hurricane is exactly identical to the nebula galaxy, and all liquid, water, or lava follows the exact movement of the galaxy and forms spirals when drained. That can only happen in the planisphere. The human ear, the human eye, flowers, hurricanes, and water all follow the creative frequency which is the Fibonacci sequence. The difference in frequency and time is what makes each human different. But the idea of ​​a ball spinning at 1070 MPH and under physical laws is a total absurdity created by diabolical minds that do not want humans to see the incredible beauty of the planet. They do not want us to know that we have hundreds of neighbors Unless you go to Antarctica and go to the other side, save the insults because I know what I saw and now I know what the world is like.

Therefore, we all must start a marvelous discovery and research to appreciate such a marvelous planet of a five-dimensional world. Everything makes sense in a Merkabah, from the existence of a spiritual world all around us to incredible energy fields. The first thing to understand is that the earth is much larger than we have been told and precisely because it is a planisphere enclosed in a sphere, they made everything very clear to us in the pyramids of Egypt. Therefore, these are the figures that I saw clearly.

The land base of the Planisphere is 23, 742,586 miles; 38,209.988 kilometers.

Distance from the center of the planet to dome 11,871,293 miles; 19,104.994 Kilometers

Height of the planet's dome 15,100.378 miles; 24,301.702 kilometers

Distance to the Earth's core or inner sun 7.500 miles; 9,415.141 kilometers

The size of the Earth's core or inner sun is 5,890 miles; 9,415,141 kilometers.

Height to the orbit of the Sun: 67 miles

The sun rotates around an orbit that in the Egyptian pyramid shows us that therefore the sun's rays always illuminate at 51, 51 degrees. Depending on the latitude where you are, your angle will change depending on the time of day. Example 12 of the day on the equatorial line the solar angle would be 90 degrees.

For anyone to make the exact calculations themselves all they have to do is add another zero to the number of the base pyramid, those numbers are 7500, and 4500, then multiply by the number of PI (3,1415926).

The earth is not a round ball. It's all a lie so that humans don't try to invade and move to the continents beyond the dome of Antarctica. In our Merkabah system, there are nine Merkabah. Mercury and Venus are the two inner Merkabah together which we call the inner Core, which is really the sun of the Merkabah. The Milky Way is an infinite ocean, but there are different types of water, and the content of certain elements makes them different, examples of this are in the oceans and lakes of our planet. The salinity of the Atlantic Ocean is different from the Pacific Ocean and different from the Indian Ocean. Therefore, their waters do not mix. The same thing happens with what we call fresh water. I have often seen some Globe Earth fanatics claiming that science supports their theory when, in fact, they are relying on math and old theories from 500 years ago that are unfounded. How could they ignore the most basic principles of chemistry, biology, and astronomy? Even in high school, you learn that gaseous elements like nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen, which can't even be seen by the human eye, are among the most abundant elements in the Universe. They occupy vast regions of space and are crucial to several astrophysical fields, including the formation of planetary systems and astrobiology. But precisely by their nature, they occupy the regions of spaces between other elements that are often the result of the amalgamation of two or more elements such as water H20. Meanwhile, heavier elements like lithium tend to be driven and found in the deeper interior or bottom of a cluster formation. Volatile or brittle elements such as beryllium and boron (BeB) are often found participating in the reaction of various elements as they go through celestial planetary formation processes, often creating fire and leaks that result in carbon monoxide. carbon and lava eruption as a result of volcanic energy. We can precisely see the interaction of the elements in operation. Astronomical chemical and biological processes happen constantly resulting in storms, eruptions, and landslides, exactly by their nature, heavier elements like metallic elements due to mass and weight tend to go to the bottom while mixtures of ashes, gases, and liquids accumulate at the top. In a certain sense the formations of globular clusters, and when I say globular it does not necessarily mean "balloon formation" but rather mass formation, such as that which resulted in the nucleosynthesis of the Big Bang until the formation and chemical enrichment of the Merkabah, which is the Galaxy of the Milky Way and its Merkabah populations. In many ways, the chemical and biological qualities of the elements as fused in the nucleosynthesis of planetary creation and formation from their primordial abundance and took the form of the planisphere within a spherical planet such as planet Earth. The dome around the planisphere creates a kind of shield, Nature as wise as has often proven capable of manifesting the existence of incredible things like crystals: diamonds, emeralds, and rubies are wonderful natural chemical processes. While pearls and eggs are created through biological processes by oysters and chickens. Hundreds, if not thousands, even millions of events occur in nature constantly and humans try to explain through cosmology and astronomy what happens on this wonderful Merkabah planet that exists as part of a Merkabah galaxy. Tragically, they do so with the tools available in human terms of a three-dimensional interstellar medium when all the stars and planets are interacting with energetic galactic cosmic rays and energy from all five dimensions. 

In a sense, the human mind is not ready to understand a five-dimensional world, especially the human mind of the globe believers, who cling to centuries-old theories and calculations without understanding how the interstellar medium is happening in different channels, frequencies in direct processes of time, space and dimension in which protons and α particles collide with nuclei in the interstellar medium of the galaxy or a reverse process where nuclei instead collide with protons and α particles in the nucleus of the galaxy Earth, the central power of our Merkabah. If we enclosed within a spherical glass ball all the elements that make up our planet Earth in quantities similar to what the best scientists were able to determine were the elements of the early Earth, then we could see calcium, strontium, and barium reacting with cold water with increasing vigor to give the metals hydroxide and hydrogen. Strontium and barium have similar reactivities to lithium in Group 1 of the Periodic Table. Calcium, for example, reacts quite vigorously with cold water in an exothermic reaction. Bubbles of hydrogen gas are released and a white precipitate (of calcium hydroxide) is formed, together with an alkaline solution (also of calcium hydroxide - calcium hydroxide is slightly soluble). In other words, we will be able to see millions of chemical and biological reactions and interactions of the elements and if we apply rotation we will be able to see that the physical laws of nature, chemical interactions, and biological processes will take effect and gradually we will be able to see that all solids and the heavy elements will go to the bottom, while the liquid ones will go to the center and the light ones will occupy the top of the spherical glass ball, and the heavy mass of metallic elements such as lithium, iron, etc., will sink to the bottom. the background creating a beautiful representation of this wonderful planisphere. Simply put, a planisphere inside a spherical dome is our beautiful planet and we love it, except for those who think we are a little ball flying through space like a damn fart coming out of their brains.

Then I realized something else. The Great Pyramid of Giza was supposed to have had 23 pairs of Crystals. that means 46 crystals that powered up the Energy plant that was its purpose, and there was a black pulsating crystal on top. Well, "Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 chromosomes in total). Each chromosome is formed by 2 strands of DNA tied by hydrogen bonds to each other making the classic DNA double helix (double-stranded DNA). So, in total there are 46*2=92 strands of DNA in each diploid human cell!" So what else is the pyramid trying to tell us. 

There is no doubt that my vision represents a fascinating mix of metaphysical, geometric, and astronomical concepts. This is going to require a lot of study and analysis and that is why I want to analyze the components of said vision to be able to interpret it and describe it perhaps in some way that allows us to connect the scientific context, the understanding of physical and mathematical laws and even the religious and esoteric aspects that this implies.

1. Planisphere within a sphere.

Planisphere: Traditionally, the term planisphere was used on ancient maps to show flat earth such as the maps of Verdano Monte 1567-1589, and Ortelius 1590. Another application is a map of the stars that could be rotated to show the visible stars any day of the year. But in my vision, it symbolizes a flat planet following the physical laws of the elements within a planetary system emphasizing the structure of the planet as part of a celestial system in the form of a Merkabah.

Spherical dome: This allows us to visualize a celestial sphere that protects and surrounds our planet with the strength and energy of the Merkabah system.  This could be visualized as a celestial sphere or enclosing structure around the planet, suggesting a boundary or protective layer. In some esoteric traditions, this could be similar to the concept of the "firmament", a dome-shaped structure enclosing the Earth.

2. Measurements of the pyramid of Giza multiplied by PI

The Pyramid of Giza is often associated with various mathematical constants and proportions, such as the golden ratio. If you multiply its dimensions by π (pi), it may relate to a more complex geometric structure or a model that represents a different scale or system.

This could imply a scale factor, suggesting that the Earth or planetary system that I have envisioned has a relationship to universal constants or geometric proportions beyond our normal scale.

3. Merkabah and Fibonacci frequency

Merkabah: In mystical traditions, the Merkabah (or Merkabah) is a vehicle of divine light used by ascended masters to connect with higher realms. It is often represented as a star tetrahedron or a complex geometric shape.

Fibonacci Frequency: The Fibonacci sequence and its related spiral are found throughout nature and the universe, suggesting a harmonic or resonant pattern. Applying this to the structure of a galaxy implies that the galaxy, or energy system of a five-dimensional Merkabah operates according to these fundamental principles of growth and harmony.

4. Thinking in five dimensions

Five dimensions: Humans generally understand the world in three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension. A fifth dimension could represent a higher level of reality or consciousness that integrates frequency and spiritual aspects into the physical framework.

In theoretical physics, higher dimensions are often considered in the context of string theory or other advanced models, which suggest that our universe could have more dimensions than we can directly perceive.

5. System Description

To describe a system of this type with the elements of this vision is extremely difficult because it describes:

Planetary system: Imagine the Earth as a central point within a complex geometric structure (a Merkabah), which could be visualized as a star tetrahedral or other intricate tetrahedral shape. This system is encapsulated within a spherical dome, suggesting a closed or protected cosmic environment.

Galactic structure: The galaxy could be perceived as a large Merkabah structure where spiral arms and various cosmic phenomena follow Fibonacci-like patterns, indicating an underlying harmonic frequency governing its structure and behavior.

Higher Dimensions: If you consider a fifth dimension, it could represent the vibrational or frequency-based nature of this system, where traditional concepts of time and space are complemented by an additional layer of reality or consciousness.

In short, our beautiful planet can only be described as an advanced model that combines spiritual and mathematical principles to represent the universe holistically. While these ideas extend beyond conventional three-dimensional physics, they offer a rich tapestry for contemplating the nature of existence and the cosmos.


El Planisferio dentro de una esfera en la que vivimos. Nuestro mundo es una merkabah


Por Germanico Vaca

Los humanos desde hace siglos tratamos de explicar si la tierra es redonda o es plana. Aunque la evidencia está ante nuestros ojos, el argumento y debate siempre es entre dos bandos. Aquellos que defienden la idea y teoría que la tierra es plana. Mientras los otros claman que la tierra es redonda. Y aunque suene ilógico e irracional decirlo, los dos bandos están equivocados. Lo más triste es que en su mayoría defienden los principios promulgados hace siglos y lejos de resolver las interrogantes con la más alta tecnología los científicos no han demostrado pruebas de como es realmente el mundo. En gran parte es porque se hace extremadamente difícil explicar cómo es la tierra realmente, pero vale la pena intentarlo.

El problema radica que para explicar cómo es en realidad nuestro mundo debemos entender que es un mundo de cinco dimensiones, y espero que lea hasta el final para que entienda, aunque es bastante difícil entender para mentes de tres dimensiones, con leyes físicas y matemáticas que no están suficientemente avanzadas para entender como realmente funciona el Universo. Nosotros los humanos tenemos la falencia de querer explicar todo en términos únicamente físicos, lo que nuestra percepción sensorial humana percibe. Pero ignoramos la cosa más importante. El Universo es energía, todo es producto de átomos, En su esencia todo lo físico es energía. Hay cosas que no se pueden explicar y muchas son tan evidentes que no necesitan explicarse.

Sin duda el mejor ejemplo es que los humanos somos seres duales, estamos en una realidad corporal física, pero la esencia de vida está en la energía de luz divina que nos da VIDA y nuestro cerebro funciona como un procesador quántico biológico que es capaz de crear y procesar ideas y pensamiento. Las mismas que son energía. Así al llegar la muerte dejamos el cuerpo y la realidad física, pero el alma regresa al origen de luz (llámale cielo o mundo espiritual o cuarta dimensión) y lo que nuestro cerebro ha manifestado pasa a ser parte del récord akashico. Por tanto, cada vida jamás es en vano, es la contribución al universo con la energía que emanó como seres duales.

¿Cómo es que llegué a tener el conocimiento?

En el año de 1987 estuve en un accidente ocasionado por un terremoto y estaba muriendo. Súbitamente me encontré fuera de mi cuerpo. Podía ver claramente que mi cuerpo estaba tirado en una camilla en el pasillo del hospital. Quería que me ayuden, quería gritar a enfermeras, médicos que me salven que me estaba muriendo, pero nadie me podía ver. Mi cabeza estaba ensangrentada, la pierna estaba rota, el brazo esta como descuartizado, la mano derecha igual y todo mi rostro parecía el hombre elefante, estaba totalmente desfigurado. Luego me enteraría que estuve tres días en coma. Pero en ese momento perdí la esperanza al verme tan destrozado. Empecé a salir del hospital y lo podía ver todo, parecería que estaba volando sobre el edificio y al salir del hospital ya no existía el cielo, si veía para abajo podía ver tal cual la ciudad, el mundo material. Pero cuando vi para arriba lo que tenía arriba mío era un túnel con una luz extremadamente intensa y blanca. Empecé a sentir como si estuviera entrando en una enorme aspiradora, pero quise como echar una última vista al mundo que dejaba. Y en ese instante vi que se bajaban de un auto la esposa de mi tío y una prima de mi madre. La esperanza de que logren que alguien me atienda y me salve la vida me hizo titubear. Volví a ver dentro de la luz, pero podía ver como miles o millones de rayos de luz en todas direcciones. No sabía que hacer, pero tome la decisión de regresar a mi cuerpo. Muchos días después me dijeron que había muerto por un instante pero que me trajeron de vuelta con cargas eléctricas y luego estuve en coma por tres días. Las heridas fueron bastante muy graves y en realidad no estaba bien mentalmente. Casi toda la familia había emigrado a los Estados Unidos y yo había regresado solamente por mi green card. Estaba solo y no tenía quien me cuide. Por un mes entero apenas si podía moverme de la cama y batallaba con enormes dolores de la cabeza y el cuerpo, pero rehusaba tomar medicamentos. En todo caso para recuperarme casi todo el tiempo pasaba en reposo batallando constantemente con visiones de un planeta dentro de un Merkabah y todo lo que existía adentro tomaba forma del sistema galáctico, así un huracán no era más que una diminuta representación de la galaxia. Todo tomaba forma bajo la secuencia de Fibonacci. Las rosas no eran más la secuencia de Fibbonaci, la mejor forma de riego entonces era creando un Fibonacci en las montañas y todo se formaba en mi cerebro hasta que el dolor era tan intenso que sudaba copiosamente y a veces las visiones de esta merkabah celestial era despierto y otras dormido al punto que pensaba que me estaba volviendo loco. Trataba de hacer lo que podía de ejercicio para ejercitar la pierna y el brazo. Pero los dolores de cabeza eran espantosos. Lo curioso era que tenía visiones extrañas que no tenían sentido alguno. En aquel entonces pensé que eran productos de los golpes que había sufrido en la cabeza y tenía 87 puntos a lo largo de mi cabeza. Finalmente me recuperé, viaje a los Estados Unidos y dejé todo eso olvidado.

Recientemente he estado escribiendo un libro y como siempre lo he hecho cuando tengo algún invento o algo que no puedo resolverlo, trato de usar los viajes astrales y tener la visión para resolver el enigma que me esté cuestionando. Fue así que tuve una visión y en esta visión estaba de regreso al punto de partida del túnel el cual años antes. No sé si me iba a dar paro cardiaco, y estaba a punto de otro momento de muerte porque después al despertar estaba repleto de sudor y con tremendo dolor en el corazón. Pero regresando al evento. Me introducía en el túnel. Súbitamente tomé una luz que se cruzó en el camino. En otras palabras, abandoné el túnel central de luz poderosa y sin más estaba en otro túnel de luz pero de colores, pude ver exacto como es el increíble planeta y universo en que vivimos y no existe palabras que puedan explicarles, pero expandan su mente y traten de entender que nuestro mundo es único e increíblemente maravilloso. Lo mejor que puedo decirles es que vivimos es un planeta en el centro de un Merkaba. Estoy intentando hacer un gráfico para mostrar cómo fue mi visión. Luego mientras viajaba admirado viendo ese mundo increíble me encontré parado  junto a una pirámide tal cual como la de Egipto, pero no era la misma, esta era totalmente blanca como de mármol cristalizado y pude ver las distancias, el tamaño, la forma y la estructura y de alguna manera comprendí que la pirámide misma era un lenguaje, un código, una forma de entregarnos el conocimiento no es palabras que se pueden borrar, pero en una forma indestructible que nos sirva luego de siglos para entender lo que es nuestro planeta. Así todas las dimensiones del planeta las pude ver y comprender.

Acaso la forma más simple de explicarlo sería decir que el planeta tierra es un planisferio dentro de una esfera, y podemos ver claramente los ángulos de una pirámide en la forma que caen los rayos del sol y los rayos de la luna. Pero eso es solo en nuestro tiempo, espacio y distancia. Pero adicionando frecuencia y dimensión cuarta y quinta entonces dentro del merkaba que es la galaxia nebulosa existen millones de merkabas y estos contienen cientos de planetas y mundos todos con su propia secuencia existencial. Pero todos los elementos aún se rigen por las leyes universales, así todo es exacto en principio y función, pero todo es diferente es tiempo secuencia y frecuencia.

Un pequeño cambio en la esencia y el ME (Master energy) y una rosa es una gardenia, y un clavel es una zinia. De la misma forma una manzana un diminuto cambio en la semilla hace que el durazno sea diferente. Todo es evidente un huracán es exactamente idéntico a la galaxia nebulosa, y todo líquido, agua o lava siguen exacto el movimiento a la par de la galaxia y se forma espirales al drenarse. Eso solo puede ocurrir en el planisferio. La oreja humana, el ojo humano, las flores, los huracanes y el agua todos siguen la frecuencia creadora que es la secuencia de Fibonacci. La diferencia en frecuencia y tiempo es que hacen que cada humano sea diferente. Pero la idea de una bola dándose vueltas a 1070 MPH y bajo leyes físicas es un total absurdo creado por mentes diabólicas que no quieren que el humano vea la increíble belleza del planeta. Al menos que vaya a la Antártica y pase al otro lado, guardese los insultos que se lo que vi y ahora sé cómo es el mundo.

Por tanto, lo primero que se debe entender es que la tierra es mucho más grande que nos han dicho y precisamente al ser un planisferio encerrado en una esfera todo nos dejaron muy claro en las pirámides de Egipto. Por tanto, estas son las cifras que vi claramente.

Base terrestre del Planisferio es 23, 742,586 millas; 38,209.988 kilómetros.

Distancia del centro del planeta a la cúpula 11,871,293 millas; 19,104.994 Kilómetros

Altura de la cúpula del planeta 15,100.378 millas; 24,301.702

Distancia al núcleo terrestre o sol interior 7.500 millas; 9,415.141 kilómetros

Tamaño del núcleo terrestre o sol interior 5,890 millas; 9,415.141 kilómetros.

Distancia a la orbita del sol, el sol está girando a 67 millas de altura

El sol gira alrededor de una órbita que en la pirámide de Egipto nos muestra que por tanto los rayos solares siempre iluminan a 51, 51 grados. Y dependiento de la latitud donde se encuentre su ángulo cambiara dependieno la hora del día, Ejemplo 12 del día en la line ecuatorial el angulo solar seria 90 grados.

La dimensión del planisferio terrestre es 23,561,925 millas de extensión o el equivalente a 37,919,148 kilómetros. Precisamente la gran pirámide de Egipto fue construida por Ningishzidda y su padre Enki el más sabio de los Elohim. La base de la pirámide es 750 pies y representa la base terrestre y por eso son pirámides de cuatro lados, cada lado representando a norte, sur, este y oeste. La dimensión queda demostrada así: 750 x  π (3,1415926)= 23,561.944. equivalente a 23,561.944 millas.

La tierra no es una bola redonda. Todo es una mentira para que los humanos no traten de invadir y pasar a los continentes mas allá de la cúpula de la Antártica. En nuestro sistema de merkabah existen nueve merkabas. Mercurio y Venus son los dos merkabas internos juntos a los que llamamos el Core interior, que es realmente el sol del merkaba. La Milky way es un océano infinito, pero existen diferentes tipos de aguas, el contenido de ciertos elementos hace que sean diferentes, ejemplos de esto tenemos en los océanos y lagos de nuestro planeta. La salinidad del Océano Atlántico es diferente al Océano Pacífico y diferente al Oceano Indico. Por tanto, no se mezclan sus aguas. Igualmente sucede con lo que llamamos agua dulce.  A menudo he visto a algunos fanáticos de la Tierra globo afirmando que la ciencia respalda su teoría cuando, de hecho, se basan en matemáticas y viejas teorías de hace 500 años que carecen de razón. ¿Cómo podrían ignorar los principios más básicos de la química, la biología y la astronomía? Incluso en la escuela secundaria, aprendes que los elementos gaseosos como el nitrógeno, el hidrógeno y el oxígeno, que ni siquiera pueden ser vistos por el ojo humano, se encuentran entre los elementos más abundantes en el Universo. Ocupan vastas regiones del espacio y son cruciales para varios campos astrofísicos, incluida la formación de sistemas planetarios y la astrobiología. Pero precisamente por su naturaleza, ocupan las regiones de espacios entre otros elementos que a menudo son resultado de la amalgama de dos o más elementos como el agua H20. Mientras tanto, los elementos más pesados ​​como el litio tienden a ser impulsados ​​y se encuentran en el interior más profundo o el fondo de una formación de cúmulos. Mientras que los elementos volátiles o frágiles como el berilio y el boro (BeB) a menudo se encuentran participando en la reacción de varios elementos a medida que pasan por los procesos de formación planetaria celestial, a menudo creando fuego y escapes que resultan en monóxido de carbono y erupción de lava como resultado de la energía volcánica. Precisamente podemos ver la interacción de los elementos en funcionamiento. Los procesos astronómicos químicos y biológicos suceden constantemente dando como resultado tormentas, erupciones y deslizamientos de tierra, exactamente por su naturaleza, los elementos más pesados ​​como los elementos metálicos debido a la masa y el peso tienden a ir al fondo mientras que las mezclas de cenizas, gases y líquidos se acumulan en la parte superior. En cierto sentido las formaciones de cúmulos globulares, y cuando digo globular no necesariamente significa “formación de globos” sino como formación de masa, como la que resultó en la nucleosíntesis del Big Bang hasta la formación y enriquecimiento químico de la Merkabah que es la Galaxia de la Vía Láctea y sus poblaciones de Merkabah. En muchos sentidos, las cualidades químicas y biológicas de los elementos a medida que se fusionaron en la nucleosíntesis de la creación y formación planetaria de su abundancia primordial y tomaron la forma del planisferio dentro de un planeta esférico como lo es el planeta Tierra. La cúpula alrededor del planisferio crea una especie de escudo, la Naturaleza tan sabia como a menudo se ha demostrado capaz de manifestar la existencia de cosas increíbles como cristales: diamantes, esmeraldas y rubíes son maravillosos procesos químicos naturales. Mientras que las perlas y los huevos son creados a través de procesos biológicos por ostras y gallinas. Cientos, si no miles, incluso millones de eventos ocurren en la naturaleza constantemente y los humanos intentan explicar a través de la cosmología y la astronomía lo que sucede en este maravilloso planeta Merkabah que existe como parte de una galaxia Merkabah. Trágicamente, lo hacen con las herramientas disponibles en términos humanos de un medio interestelar tridimensional cuando todas las estrellas y planetas están interactuando con rayos cósmicos galácticos energéticos y energía de las cinco dimensiones. En cierto sentido, la mente humana no está lista para comprender un mundo de cinco dimensiones, especialmente la mente humana de los creyentes del globo, que se aferran a teorías y cálculos de hace siglos sin comprender cómo el medio interestelar está sucediendo en diferentes canales, frecuencias en procesos directos de tiempo, espacio y dimensión en los que los protones y las partículas α chocan con los núcleos en el medio interestelar de la galaxia o un proceso inverso donde los núcleos en cambio chocan con protones y partículas α en el núcleo de la Tierra, el poder central de nuestro Merkabah. Si encerráramos dentro de una bola esférica de cristal todos los elementos que forman nuestro planeta Tierra en cantidades similares a las que los mejores científicos pudieron determinar que eran los elementos de la Tierra primitiva, entonces podríamos ver al calcio, al estroncio y al bario reaccionando con agua fría con un vigor creciente para dar los metales hidróxido e hidrógeno. El estroncio y el bario tienen reactividades similares al litio en el Grupo 1 de la Tabla Periódica. El calcio, por ejemplo, reacciona con bastante vigor con agua fría en una reacción exotérmica. Se desprenden burbujas de gas hidrógeno y se forma un precipitado blanco (de hidróxido de calcio), junto con una solución alcalina (también de hidróxido de calcio - el hidróxido de calcio es ligeramente soluble). En otras palabras, podremos ver millones de reacciones e interacciones químicas y biológicas de los elementos y si aplicamos la rotación podremos ver que las leyes físicas de la naturaleza, las interacciones químicas y los procesos biológicos tendrán efecto y gradualmente podremos ver que todos los sólidos y los elementos pesados ​​irán al fondo, mientras que los líquidos irán al centro y los ligeros ocuparán la parte superior de la bola esférica de cristal, y la masa pesada de elementos metálicos como el litio, el hierro, etc., se hundirán hasta el fondo creando una hermosa representación de este maravilloso planisferio. En pocas palabras, un planisferio dentro de una cúpula esférica es nuestro hermoso planeta y lo amamos, excepto por aquellos que creen que somos una pequeña bola volando por el espacio como un maldito pedo salido de sus cerebros.

Entonces me di cuenta de algo más. Se suponía que la Gran Pirámide de Giza tenía 23 pares de Cristales, es decir, 46 cristales que alimentaban la planta de energía que era su propósito, y había un cristal negro pulsante en la parte superior. Bueno, "Las células humanas contienen 23 pares de cromosomas (46 cromosomas en total). Cada cromosoma está formado por 2 hebras de ADN unidas entre sí por enlaces de hidrógeno, formando la clásica doble hélice de ADN (ADN de doble hebra). Por lo tanto, en total hay 46*2=92 hebras de ADN en cada célula humana diploide". Entonces, ¿qué más está tratando de decirnos la pirámide?

No cabe duda que mi visión representa una fascinante mezcla de conceptos metafísicos, geométricos y astronómicos. Esto va a requerir bastante estudio y análisis y por ello quiero analizar los componentes de dicha visión para poder interpretarla y describir quizás de alguna forma que permita conectar el contexto científico, la comprensión de leyes físicas y matemáticas y hasta los aspectos religiosos y esotéricos que esto implica.

1. Planisferio dentro de una esfera.

Planisferio: Tradicionalmente, el término de planisferio fue utilizado en mapas antiguos para mostrar una tierra plana como son los mapas de Verdano Monte 1567-1589, Ortileos 1590. Otra aplicación es como un mapa de las estrellas que podría ser rotado para mostrar las estrellas visibles cualquier día del año. Pero en mi visión simboliza un planeta plano siguiendo las leyes físicas de los elementos dentro de un sistema planetario enfatizando la estructura del planeta como parte de un sistema celestial en forma de una merhabah.

Cúpula esférica: Esto permite visualizar una esfera celestial que protege y envuelve nuestro planeta con la fuerza y energía del sistema Merhabah.  Esto podría visualizarse como una esfera celestial o una estructura envolvente alrededor del planeta, lo que sugiere un límite o una capa protectora. En algunas tradiciones esotéricas, esto podría ser similar al concepto del "firmamento", una estructura en forma de cúpula que encierra la Tierra.

2. Medidas de la pirámide de Giza multiplicadas por PI

La pirámide de Giza se asocia a menudo con varias constantes y proporciones matemáticas, como la proporción áurea. Si multiplica sus dimensiones por π (pi), es posible que se relacione con una estructura geométrica más compleja o un modelo que representa una escala o sistema diferente.

Esto podría implicar un factor de escala, lo que sugiere que la Tierra o el sistema planetario que está visualizando tiene una relación con constantes universales o proporciones geométricas más allá de nuestra escala normal.

3. Merkabah y frecuencia de Fibonacci

Merkabah: En las tradiciones místicas, la Merkabah (o Merkaba) es un vehículo de luz divina utilizado por los maestros ascendidos para conectarse con reinos superiores. A menudo se representa como un tetraedro estrellado o una forma geométrica compleja.

Frecuencia de Fibonacci: La secuencia de Fibonacci y su espiral relacionada se encuentran en toda la naturaleza y el universo, lo que sugiere un patrón armónico o resonante. Aplicar esto a la estructura de una galaxia implica que la galaxia, o el sistema de energía que estás describiendo, opera de acuerdo con estos principios fundamentales de crecimiento y armonía.

4. Pensamiento en cinco dimensiones

Cinco dimensiones: Los humanos generalmente comprendemos el mundo en tres dimensiones espaciales y una dimensión temporal. Una quinta dimensión podría representar un nivel superior de realidad o conciencia que integra la frecuencia y los aspectos espirituales en el marco físico.

En la física teórica, las dimensiones superiores a menudo se consideran en el contexto de la teoría de cuerdas u otros modelos avanzados, que sugieren que nuestro universo podría tener más dimensiones de las que podemos percibir directamente.

5. Descripción del sistema

Para describir un sistema de este tipo con los elementos de esta visión es extremadamente difícil pues describe:

Sistema planetario: imagine la Tierra como un punto central dentro de una estructura geométrica compleja (una Merkabah), que podría visualizarse como una estrella tetraédrica u otra forma tetraédrica intrincada. Este sistema está encapsulado dentro de una cúpula esférica, lo que sugiere un entorno cósmico cerrado o protegido.

Estructura galáctica: La galaxia podría percibirse como una gran estructura Merkabah donde los brazos espirales y varios fenómenos cósmicos siguen patrones similares a los de Fibonacci, lo que indica una frecuencia armónica subyacente que gobierna su estructura y comportamiento.

Dimensiones superiores: Si considera una quinta dimensión, podría representar la naturaleza vibracional o basada en frecuencias de este sistema, donde los conceptos tradicionales de tiempo y espacio se complementan con una capa adicional de realidad o conciencia.

En resumen, nuestro hermoso planeta solo puede ser descrito como un modelo avanzado que combina principios espirituales y matemáticos para representar el universo de una manera holística. Si bien estas ideas se extienden más allá de la física tridimensional convencional, ofrecen un rico tapiz para contemplar la naturaleza de la existencia y el cosmos.