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sábado, 27 de julio de 2024

Trump is the Anticrist

I have recently read that some people on various social media such as Facebook and former Twitter have mentioned and said that Donald Trump is the chosen man because he survived the attempt on his life. First of all, Adolf Hitler survived numerous attempts on his life, and in no way did that mean that he was God's chosen one. Quite the contrary, the diabolical, perverse criminal of Hitler only increased his evil and that is exactly what is happening with the perverse criminal of Donald Trump rather we must ask ourselves “Is Donald Trump the Antichrist?”  

The question is fascinating, whether we ask the question literally or metaphorically. Honestly, every time I have heard Donald Trump speak, say, infer, or joke that he wants to have sex with his daughter, I have thought that only a pedophile, corrupt, and pervert could have such an outrageous wish and desire and to tell the world with no remorse. But certainly, the Antichrist would do exactly that.

The first time I thought that Donald Trump was the antichrist was when I found out that Trump owned the building with the number 666. Since then, they changed the number of said buildings.

However, to ask such a question we must first literally believe in the real reality of a figure of Christ, the Son of God, and an opponent of the Antichrist of almost equal but opposite power. These types of things are topics that are talked about in the Bible, and that many writers and researchers have touched on the topic as a point of investigation.

Then it is said that Pope John Paul II had spoken about Donald Trump before his death and wanted to warn the world that Donald Trump was the antichrist. Several prophets such as Nostradamus, Banga, and Edgar Cayce tried to warn us that Donald Trump was the catalyst for the outcome of the Third World War and Project 2025 written by the Heritage Foundation leaves no doubt that Donald Trump wants to establish a world of dystopia where Donald Trump will be the world leader.

But first let us consider the question from the secular perspective, which holds that these two terms represent, in essence, metaphors for the embodiment of good and evil.

In this context, then, a more precise question is: “Is Donald Trump one of the many Antichrist?”

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke in the plural when he predicted “false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” Let us not forget that Donald Trump has often spoken in favor of Vladimir Putin, Kim Jung Un, and Xi Ping. Trump lies that he has read the Bible yet could not make a single quote from the Bible. He calls himself a Christian but never goes to a temple.

After warning that swindlers and con artists (in secular terms) would try to exploit his followers, he said, “By their fruits you will know them.” And the greatest fruit that Donald Trump produces is hatred and division. Trump is a conman and everyone of his followers in a target of his cons.

The “fruits” of Trump are quite obvious:

+ More than thirty women have accused him of rape and sexual assault. One of the trials accused Trump of being the rapist and murderer of Maria Oliveira, a 14-year-old girl who disappeared and apparently died after being raped by Donald Trump in Jeffrey Epstein's home. The accuser removed the trial out of fear for her life due to the constant threats against her.

 + Hundreds of contractors, clients, and employees have accused him of stealing from them or refusing to pay them (or both), as have members of his own family, such as Mary Trump who was robbed of her share of her inheritance by; diabolical Donald Trump.

+ Throughout his presidency, he lied daily and in the testimony of John Kelly, General Miley, and several other employees, it was only thanks to his interventions that they were able to prevent the world from ending in a third world war because they prevented Donald Trump carries out actions that would have ended in the last world war.

+ Trump's actions pitted Americans against each other along race, religion, and region to tear apart and destroy the foundations of the nation for the sole purpose of winning politically and popularly and ultimately establishing an authoritarian government.

+Trump consistently openly encourages violence against unarmed people at multiple rallies and encouraged state violence in a speech to police chiefs

+ Tried to overthrow and end our democracy. But the 2025 project written by the Heritage Foundation made up of several former employees and former advisors of Trump promulgated a plan to destroy all American institutions and appoint only people allied and faithful to the antichrist Donald Trump. 

+ Trump constantly showers praise on murderers, kleptocrats, and "strong" rulers while ridiculing Western democracies and their elected leaders. Trump has openly declared that “after the next election you will never have to vote again” Very clearly the antichrist plans to establish hell on earth.

+ Tried to damage or dismantle political and military systems designed to maintain peace in the world, including the UN, NATO, and Iran's JCPOA. Now if he manages to win the elections he plans to put the world under his absolute command. This is not about “Make America Great Again” or Make America First. It is clearly “Make the World Evil under Donald Trump.”

+ Trump manipulates the religious sects of Protestants, Christians, Catholics, Presbyterians, and any religious sect, and that should show that Trump does not care about anyone other than the firm purpose of being the world leader to do with the world what he wants. Antichrist wants it. He reaches out to the followers of Jesus and then directs them toward intolerance, violence, and hatred

+ Trump has claimed to be the “chosen one” “the anonymous one.” Trump pretends to be the man and role model, he has replaced Jesus in many white evangelical congregations

+ Trump delighted in separating children from their parents and putting them in cages. Trump talks about invading Mexico, and he has said that Hispanics are worse than animals, with low mental IQ, people that he considers far below animals, and that Hispanics are criminals and drug traffickers.

+ Tried to end Americans' access to life-saving health care by eliminating Obamacare and privatizing Medicare. Over a million people died under his watch for his horrible management of COVID-19.

+ Trump directed and observed on television how his followers invaded the Capitol destroyed offices, computers and pursued Senators, congressmen, and staffers to kill them in fact many of his followers killed police officers, sent more than 1,500 to the hospital, and attempted to murder to the vice president and president of the House of Representatives.

+ Trump lied about Covid (after revealing the truth to Bob Woodward in February 2020), causing more illnesses and deaths in the United States than any other nation in the world

The main reason many Christians are scared of an antichrist is that following him will get you expelled from heaven or even thrown into hell. The majority of Trump supporters act blind, fanatical, and incapable of reasoning. Many seem hypnotized or under some type of mind control and happily repeat the serious stupidities and absurd lies of the antichrist Donald Trump.

But what did Jesus, the guy Trump's white evangelical followers claim as their savior, say was necessary to enter heaven?

Let's review the words of Jesus Christ when he gathered with his disciples to the question that had been tormenting them, particularly now that the Roman authorities were beginning to talk about punishing or even executing them: How could they be sure of spending time with him in the afterlife?

Jesus told them that at the end of day, he would be sitting on his throne separating the sheep from the goats “as a shepherd separates.”

The “sheep” nations would go with him to heaven, the “goats” to hell.

“Because I was hungry, and you gave me food,” he told his disciples he would say to the sheep. “I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you took me in; I was naked, and you covered me; sick, and you visited me; in prison, and you came to me.” Before Donald Trump, the United States was precisely the beacon of hope for the world, and all of us who come to the United States can proudly say that It is what the United States did for us. But now Trump, what is he saying? Trump is talking about hunting down and persecuting over 25 million Hispanics to deport them, criminalize them and persecute them.

While centuries ago the disciples, who had never, ever seen Jesus hungry, thirsty, homeless, sick or naked, were scared. Wow! they shouted. We're screwed!

“When did we see you hungry and feed you?” they asked, terrified. “Or thirsty, and we gave you drink? “When did we see you a stranger, and take you in?” Or when we saw you sick, or in prison and came to see you?

“Truly I say to you,” Jesus answered, reassuringly, “inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

This is the only place in the Bible where Jesus explicitly tells his disciples what acts they must perform, in their entirety, to enter heaven.

Feed the hungry, care for the refugees, shelter and clothe the homeless, heal the sick, and have compassion for those in prison. That's what the United States was. Today, thanks to the antichrist Donald Trump, people are filled with hatred, they demand the construction of a wall, and they demand the persecution, deportation, and arrest of all illegals.

God precisely enacted literally everything opposite to everything Donald Trump defends, represents, and has done in his career.

Although biblical scholars are divided over who was the true “Beast” that John refers to in his Apocalypse, many believe that it was a politically necessary cover-up of the identity of the Roman emperor Nero.

He was clearly a political figure, representing the antithesis of the values ​​and works that Jesus expounded in the Sermon on the Mount and in Matthew 25.

A leader whose actions unleashed “a pale horse; and the name of him who sat on him was Death, and Hades followed him. And he was given power over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword, with famine, with mortality, and with the wild beasts of the earth.”

Trump is the Beast or the Antichrist:

+ “MAGA” means “magic” or “sorcerer” in Latin and several other languages. Everyone who is involved in MAGA acts as if possessed by something diabolical and is ready to kill if anyone says anything against their diabolical leader.

+ His grandfather's name when he immigrated to the United States to open a brothel in the Pacific Northwest was “Drumpf,” which he changed to Trump. John in German is “Johann”. Therefore, his “real” name is Donald Johann Drumpf, each name has six letters.

+ Armed the Saudis for their ruthless bombing war against Yemen, where five million people face famine while the Saudi army blocks the arrival of food.

+ His family owns 666 Fifth Avenue.

+ He deceived millions of Jesus' evangelical followers, just as the Beast was supposed to do.

+ He put his own brand of red-capped MAGA on their foreheads. The cap is wearing blood on the head.

+ Trump has always been associated with “prostitutes” and criminals.

But for me, all the proof I need is that Trump, if not the biblical Antichrist, is at least a political Antichrist, it's what he says and does.

His “fruits” tell us everything we need to know about who he really is. As John Kelly had said of Trump: “1/3 of what Trump says is totally stupid; 1/3 is impossible to implement and 1/3 is totally illegal.

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